patiz wrote:
aspergers worsens as you get older, I probably stim more than when i was younger,
I havn't read that anywhere, could you give a link to somewhere they state that as a fact, or are you only talking about how it is for you?
If anything it gets less noticable as you grow older, because aspies learn to pretend to be "normal", and learn alot of social rules in theory.
LittleBlackCat wrote:
I don't know if I stim or not. I do fiddle with the skin on my face and scalp a lot - I constantly run my fingers over it checking for any slight imperfection and picking at it and I have scabs on my scalp from doing this (yuck I know!). I also pick at the skin around my fingernails a lot. And I do crack my knuckles regularly, although this is not so much a habit as because if I don't my joints feel uncomfortable (not painful, just weird and unpleasant). And I'm always chewing on and biting my lips. But I'm not sure if any of this is really stimming.
You see, to my mind there are some things that obviously are autistic traits, like staring at a spinning object for hours, or handflapping, or rocking, but aren't some things just "people" traits? And where would the dividing line be, if there is one? Answers on a postcard please...
I do many of those things myself, if I get a zit, I cant help but pick at it. And I unconciously run my fingers over my arms, shoulders, neck and face checking for slight imperfections, like you do LittleBlackCat. I also fiddle with my fingertips, running them over the nail of another finger. I do this unconciously while I concentrate or even when I just watch TV and relax. We have some cats, and I've notice them coming up to me often sniffing my fingers all of a sudden, since I made a gesture unconciously with my fingers and they took it as a sign to come to me.
I never knew about stimming(except for the stereotypical autism-rocking) until a few days ago, I never saw anything wrong with what I did, I just figured everyone does it. When I were younger I liked to close my eye and press it with a finger, you can see some very interresting patterns and colors that way.
I also whistled alot, but I dont really know if that counts as a vocal stimming or not. I'm fairly new to this whole concept.
Is this stimming, or just some quirks anyone could/would do?