For some reason, these sensetivities were extremely bad in my childhood, such as sensitivity to loud noises, like fire drills, always had a hell of a time adapting to school bells, for some reason they just startle me to death, so I can't even be in the room when the bell goes off, I also had a fishbowl when I was young that whirred constantly and drove me to the brink of insanity, it got so bad that I turned it off after ten minutes. Also the creaking noises coming from the structure of the house that you could hear better I generally ignore them but if I allow myself time to listen to repetitive sounds such as the fan on the laptop, it tends to make me nervous.
On the visual side of things, I don't think flourescent lights bother me, which you guys will probably tell me disqualifies me from having AS. However, I really don't like bright light very well, even daylight, and I tend to have a preference for dim or even no light. I absolutely cannot stand as lightning in the middle of the night. When a thunderstorm comes I usually run into my closet (or the bathroom) and hide or I cover my face with blankets so the light cant shine through.