I've always thought by seeing the words visually in my head, as in I can see the letters. I hear the words too, but it's sort of like reading--that's just accompanying the letters. I also see words when people speak, but I feel like that's an inaccurate description--voices, and generally sounds, are almost solid to me because when they talk I can see the words around them. That's the closest I can describe it. I think in pictures too, but only really when remembering things that have happened or when I'm planning out a scene for a story in my head, and it's mostly words.
I only really thought about this when I read The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon and Christopher, its Aspie protagonist, said that as he thought he could see the words in his mind like a computer screen, and he could see the words when people talked too, especially if they're in another room. I wouldn't describe it as a computer screen, but it still got me thinking. Yesterday, when I asked my Mum if she saw the words too, she said no. She seems to think that's really weird and definitely not normal, and I'd just assumed everyone else thought like that the whole time. We're trying to get me diagnosed right now and she thinks telling the paediatrician about this will get me referred to CAHMS easily.
Am I alone here? What's thinking like to you?
"I don't think I'm going to like it at all. I think it's going to hurt. But after the hurt I think maybe something good and strong and beautiful will come out of it."
Mockingbird, Kathryn Erskine.