jnet wrote:
SteveK wrote:
BTW I learn most things(directions, tasks, talents, etc...) as CONCEPTS! In part, that means I would actually have to TRANSLATE to tell someone how I do it. At least English doesn't affect speed THERE.
Can you explain what u mean by learning in concepts? I am just curoius. I often have trouble explaining what i know to someone else, can't get what was in my head out. I do better in writing when i have time to think about it. Thanks.
Basically, I will remember patterns, or the reasons things are as they are, and apply them to other things if they fit. ALSO, I tend to link related things, etc. You would think learning 3.14159265358979323846264338 would be EASY. For some reason, the 141,535,979,323,46264, etc... make it easier to remember. HECK, I never even learned the 9,10,11, etc... tables, because of the patterns they had. I learned the idea of how oscillators work, and can just design one, so I didn't bother learning the specifics of any schematics.
One of these days I'll get back to where I was.