When I'd just moved to this house, a neighbour, whom I had only spoken to a couple of times, said that he thought it was strange that my Mum was so friendly, yet I didn't say much. I took from this comparison with my 'friendly' Mum that he meant I was unfriendly. I thought this was a really horrible thing to say to someone, especially a new acquaintance. Maybe I don't speak a lot, but I'm not unfriendly or antisocial (and on a one to one or one to two basis with people I'm comfortable with, I'm a chatterbox). I tried to make light of his comment, but it was hurtful. However, I later discovered that he had serious mental health problems and trashed his own house. So, I don't think I should take anything he said to heart.
"We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all we need to make us really happy is something to be enthusiatic about." Charles Kingsley