Heidi80 wrote:
Is it normal for aspies to get "overtired" if there's too much socializing in one day? Like you're tired, even exhausted, but can't rest because your mind is working overtime... I'm experiencing that right now. I've had three byrocratic things to take care of today (bank and two different social service places) and even though I know I'm exhausted and need to rest, my mind simply won't let me. My lover (also as) is sleeping next to me and I know I'm safe, but my mind just won't switch from survival mode to sleep mode. I'm really anxious, almost having a panic attac, after everything that has happened today. Does anyone else have the same thing? Any ideas about what can help?
I believe people with Aspergers and other forms of Autism probably need more 'me' time than others. Sometimes, situations and circumstances that require( face to face) interaction and navigation within a particular social environment(especially bureaucratic) can be daunting. Often-times, you don't feel the effects of those interactions while you are engaged in them. It's at the end of the hour, day, week, month, or year when your brain sends numerous distress signals out to your body..... informing you that it's time to pull back. I believe when those signals are ignored meltdowns can occur.
You might have to spread out your bureaucratic responsibilities to whatever feels comfortable to you BUT allows you to take care of your business in a timely fashion.