Teenagers on the spectrum hating authority

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24 Dec 2011, 5:33 pm

SylviaLynn, that sounds like my son at times, I think fear has a lot to do with it. He doesn't carry knifes, he wants to be stronger than me and does try and initiate a fight. He tells me he will beat me up but I always explain that he must never do this that I am his mum and he must protect me like I protect him. He has never been violent to me, likes to squeeze me hurts at times but its sensory problems. But does speak about been physical to me constantly, I don't know why as no one in house speaks in this way.

If someone treats him in way as he feels its wrong then he is verbally aggressive and wants to really hurt the person. He never acts it out but it could bother him from days or longer.

Apple_in_my_Eye I also agree with your explanation, we have used social stories and have found them helpful at times.

A mother/person looking for understanding!


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24 Dec 2011, 7:31 pm

I was in high school during the 60's & one day I came to school wearing beads, as in hippies. The principle immediately took me in his office & demanded that I remove them. When I refused you could just see his face getting redder & redder from anger...he opens a desk drawer, takes out a wooden paddle, & tells me to stand up & put my elbows on his desk...I got 7 licks. I just looked at him & left his office still wearing the beads.

This was an authority figure. Later he couldn't figure why I didn't come to him for protection from bullying.

Too many years later, I still have fantasies about revenge.



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24 Dec 2011, 11:35 pm

I'm 25 and I still hate authority figures. I'll never accept any authority. Started when I was about 12.


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25 Dec 2011, 3:41 am

I think I might have an idea that could help you a little but it's going to take time to take effect.
If he loves movies and identifies with a few "heroes", what you might need to do is actively look for movies with very smart characters who resolve conflict with words, by outsmarting their opponents.
I remember reading a lot of shakespeare as a teenager, and yes they do slay one another :lol: but I was mainly amazed at the witty exchanges and the stingy retorts.
I remember laughing out loud at "by my hat, here come the capulets..." "by my heel, I care not!" they're self assured and smart mouthed.
Of course he might hate shakespeare and there are certainly a lot of modern movies with good examples of heroes who don't need to resort to violence to win an argument.

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25 Dec 2011, 5:32 am

If you are in the spectrum I don't really have to explain these points. If I do you should not be posting on here.

Wow. Hostile, much?

Oh - and I'm on the spectrum but have never had a problem with authority. Are you going to tell me that I shouldn't be posting here, too?

Last edited by DreamSofa on 25 Dec 2011, 5:37 am, edited 1 time in total.


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25 Dec 2011, 5:36 am

Most teenagers hate authority because authority is corrupt. Teenagers don't want to be model citizens and have 9 to 5 jobs like the governments wants them to, they want to sleep with whoever they want, do drugs, party and enjoy life to the full. And you know what, there is nothing wrong with that. I don't care if I'm 17 or 70, I'll always be against authority, until the day I leave this doomed earth

-Timothy Leary

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25 Dec 2011, 5:51 am

Dreamsofa I apologise get a bit frustrated when I misunderstood, some traits myself

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25 Dec 2011, 6:10 am

I have a distrust of authority because I've seen how it can corrupt and consume a person's humanity, and how destructive it can be on a large enough scale. Authority always needs to be scrutinized in order to ensure you don't let them put a tighter leash over you. Freedom dies when no-one cares and let's authority dictate their lives utterly without question.

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25 Dec 2011, 11:04 am

I think my first ex hated authority because he said everything was "ret*d" and hated how things were so he always complained.