For as long as I can remember, I would always stim with my hands. I began to flap my hands recently when I have to go to the bathroom really, really bad, if I see something that makes my skin crawl, or if it's something that I don't like that I find creepy, then I'll flap.
Before I forget, I have a black rubber wristband I stim with when I'm bored, anxious, excited, upset, or just really happy about things. My mom said I would always have to have something to keep my hands busy as a kid and still now. Mostly my right hand since I'm right handed.
I also pace while listening to music with my stim toy that helps me think better, I also move my body side to side while standing; especially whenever I play Rock Band or Guitar Hero. It helps me play the game better, and I think I rapidly move my eyes if you count that because I'm thinking of the amv's I saw on youtube, along with trying to copy the crazy eye you see in anime. LOL!!