PurpleOctober wrote:
I also like heavy blankets, and sleep with my window open and fan on in the winter, just so I can bury myself in my squashy purple comforter. Where do you get the deep pressure blankets? I've always thought they would be great for me, and never known where to get one.
You can buy them online, search "weighted blanket", or make them yourself. I bought 'polypellets' on ebay, and used two old but not worn sheets, and then spent a weekend sewing lots of pockets into the sheets (what you do is basically sew 4" vertical columns, put the portion of the pellets for one pocket into each column, push it down to the bottom, sew horizontally 4" from the previous seam and repeat, so that you get lots of 4"x4" pockets with pellets in it so its evenly weighted.)
I made mine, which is 25 lbs and queen sized, for < $50, and I also got some fabric for giving it a nice soft fuzzy cover (which I still haven't put on it, but am counting in the cost).