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06 Feb 2007, 11:54 am

Revenant wrote:
Adderal? Treating fatigue with amphetamines?

Not a good idea.

If they have comorbit ADHD then their brains are making too much theta waves which
is what people typically due during REM sleep. Amphetamines/stimulants speed the
brain up into a beta state. Not many non-stimulants that can do that. And not many
non-stimulants that work on a large percent of people.

Wellbutrin is a non stimulant that can be tried. I tried it and it was not enough for me.

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06 Feb 2007, 12:03 pm

Jameson wrote:
I get tired easily too. If I don't get a full 8 hours of sleep I end up dragging all day.

I get sensory overload really easily... I noticed yesterday at work that there was a lot more noise around me, and I got tired much sooner than normal. I think the two are linked. If you can, try limiting some of your senses for a day or two and see if that helps.

Thanks for the tip... I reliase I don't get tired much easily if I limit my activity too eg lying in bed all day curled up with a good book... however it's difficult at other times, as how you put it with sensory overload... I might give meditation a try...

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06 Feb 2007, 12:54 pm

Do you notice you get extra tried after you eat a meal? Because i always feel tired and have that brain fog as well. I am going to try the gluten free diet and see it that helps.

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06 Feb 2007, 1:41 pm

The normal me only needs five hours of sleep. But I'll never be the same after taking those blasted SSRI's. :x They made me sooo incredibly tired. I'm pretty much back to my natural sleeping habits, but I still need to take afternoon naps.

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06 Feb 2007, 2:23 pm

ammerique wrote:
That's a whole hosts of tests under the sun! I know I have trivial MVP... apparently it's not that serious... they even let me go through military training (conscripted u see)

Well you don't take all the tests at once. You talk with your doctor about your symptoms and through process of elimination can say oh you probably don't need that test. This is a more likely cause, let's test for this first.

However most people prefer to b***h and moan over symptoms and refuse to find out the root cause. It's all a matter of whether you really want to get better or not.

The military is so desparate for soldiers they will take anyone anymore whether they have medical problems or not. MVP can be serious if an infection enters the body it can affect the heart and also those people have an increased risk for sudden cardiac arrest. However, MVP isn't the only heart valve problem people can have.


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06 Feb 2007, 3:18 pm

I was diagnosed with chronic fatigue about 4 or 5 years ago. Chronic fatigue is a little more than being tired all the time though...I run low grade fevers, swollen glands, sore throats, body aches, and get tired to the point I can't seem to think and I will loose my voice...etc. You feel like your catching the flu...but you don't.

I take a liquid B12 supplement, along with other supplements and watch what I eat (cutting out the overly refined and processed junk, and sugar) and it's made a difference...I have alot less really bad days anymore.

Like Ticker suggested you really might want to look into a good thyroid workup and get tested for anemia, etc. Get copies of your results!! ! You can look up most of your results on the can be borderline on some tests and really feel like crap and sometimes it isn't even mentioned to you or it isn't caught.

Sleep can also be a big issue...apnea can make you very tired...if you are sleeping but aren't reaching the stage you need to reach to get "restful" sleep...then it really isn't doing you a whole lot of good no matter how many hours you may be sleeping.

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06 Feb 2007, 3:57 pm

Actually I really haven't exprienced this in my life. I find my self staying up all day once I get out the bed. Either I refuse to take naps or I don't feel tired. I'm an imosomica.

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06 Feb 2007, 9:43 pm

I have this fatigue problem, too, but I have also been officially diagnosed with CFIDS, which stands for Chronic Fatigue Immune Disorder Syndrome. Like Beenthere says, I find that cutting out refined sugar and taking liquid B12 helps, as well. I was diagnosed about 11 years ago, and it's still going strong.

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06 Feb 2007, 10:44 pm

i have this too. I can still be tired after sleeping well for 10 -12 hours. I thought it was my meds, but I went off them. Something that helped me was Provigil. It's a magic wake-up pill that is wonderful. I don't take it anymore though, since I hated the need to take a pill to wake up and be a human each day. It is a good short-term solution though, or good for once in awhile if you didn't get a good night's sleep and need to drive or work or go to school the next day.

I also have a thyroid problem, but take meds for that too. I think that fatigue for us may be largely caused by sensory overstimulation and the extra work our brains need to do each day. However, I think it is important to rule out medical reasons first. If I keep being tired like I am now, I'm going to the doctor again to check my everything levels.

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06 Feb 2007, 10:54 pm

en_una_isla wrote:
I get this... and I have an excellent diet and no known medical problems at present. I think my chronic tiredness stems from having difficulty sleeping-- I am rarely able to sleep for more than two hours at once. At night I usually wake up at least 2 times, sometimes I wake up every 45 minutes.

That's me, every night, every day of the week. Never slept as a child, either. I've been known to stay up for three days at a time, usually if I'm traveling (I can't even close my eyes in a strange bed). When I had my kids, I didn't sleep the entire hospital stay, which sucked, because then I had to go home to a new baby plus my older kids, and only a little help from my husband, so I became a zombie.

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06 Feb 2007, 10:56 pm

I tend to be pretty tired most of the time myself, although once in a while I'll wake up and be filled to the brim with energy, as if some mysterious life force graced my body. But that is rare.


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07 Feb 2007, 1:08 am

Me too. I do not know just how much of this is perhaps an intrinsic Aspie trait and how much might be extrinsically AS. it is difficult to live in an NT world. it takes energy off my budget. I get especially tired ifg I must deal with clients. Any alteration in the day's set plan eats my energy resevior.
then again I am getting pretty old too.
I feel like I have lived far too long.


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10 Feb 2007, 7:29 pm

It could be stress, chronic fatigue, but if you experience muscle pain too, it could be fibromyalgia, I have that.


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10 Feb 2007, 8:15 pm

Another possibility to consider: if you are not getting restful sleep, you will feel tired during the day. Last year I realized that I wasn't sleeping well. I also realized I had an old mattress. So I bought a new mattress. Made a huge difference.

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11 Feb 2007, 6:55 am

I'm always a zombie, I seem to have been fatigued all my life!! I'm so inactive and foggy.

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11 Feb 2007, 8:58 am

I sleep for about 10 hours each night and I'm usually very tired throughout the daytime, however I often suddenly feel energized at around 11 or 12 at night. It's as though it takes me all day to actually fully wake up.
My eyes feel heavy during the day too, and they open wider as the day goes on. I find that I'm much sharper, mentally, at night although sometimes my mind goes so fast that I don't have full control and so I struggle to concentrate. During the daytime I often feel tired and it's as though my thoughts disintegrate the second they enter my mind. :?