I'm pretty sure that 'Microfiber' is just any synthetic fiber that weighs under a certain amount. A microfiber couch is going to made from different material than a microfiber towel, which will be different from a microfiber cleaning cloth.
For instance, I think that 'microfiber' couches are made from a microfiber suede. The towels are usually a polyester & nylon blend. I'm not sure what the cleaning clothes (like, for glasses and computer screens) are made of, but those feel AWFUL. I think the towels are pretty comfy, and the couches are OK.
Aspie Quiz: AS - 141/200, NT - 77/200 (Very likely an Aspie)
AQ: 34/50 (Aspie range)
EQ: 32 / SQ: 68 (Extreme Systemizing / AS or HFA)
Diagnosed with AS and Anxiety Disorder - NOS on 03/21/2012