Guineapigged wrote:
I always thought it was the other way around; that the general public think that people with ASD do want friends, but don't know how to make them.
For me it is the opposite. I could probably make friends if I tried hard enough, but I just can't be bothered.
me, too.
i dont want friends. when people start befriending me i get annoyed, depressed, bored, frustrated. i noticed every time someone, man or woman, starts dropping by my house, i feel it like a burden and wish they'd go away. someone came to my house to talk to me. i felt on edge and SUFFERED, i actually suffered the whole time. i was sooooo glad when he left, and he's a very nice person and i do like him a lot, and he's interesting, too.
i used to want friends and relationships when i was in my twenties, but as soon as i made friends with someone, time crawled by very slowly whenever they were around, and i breathed a sigh of relief when they were gone. so, if that's the way it goes, i dont want it. it makes me miserable then i dont want it. and i'm happier with the company of animals. never get tired of them.
also, it's hard for me to make friends and i'm extremely shy, but that i could overcome, because some people did want to be friends with me. it's me who can't handle it.
what's so great about friends, anyway?