kirayng wrote:
Edited to add: I love the letter above me.
So using it at my job! Although, kitchen workers are known to be odd!
You know, I can write that letter and make it sound good. But in my profession if you handed that to someone you'd probably be lucky if they where able to read the first sentence. They'd point you off the job.
But I'm glad you might get use out of it.
A few jobs ago I had a moment where they relied on me due to my vocabulary/reading being better than the other 100 people that where there. This is the biggest fail of all I think when it comes to me as an aspie, and my employers/coworkers. High vocabulary misconstrued as high social skills, and then an ultimate nose dive when they put you on the spot. To me I was fine with what they put on me, but they misunderstood my actions, yelled at me multiple times and threw me into a meltdown.