I have issues with inflammation, which affect my ears, past the point at which my eardrums burst, and fluid drains down my cheek. It is painful and muffled. Air whistles through the small hole, left when the membrane bursts. Then, everything is unbearably loud and heard, as through a drinking glass, against my head.
My bicycle is my only mode of transportation, right now, but I have driven.
I was able to manage, by using visual frames of reference with points along the vehicle, rather than any sense of balance.
The day before yesterday, I had the distinct sensation that everything was approaching me, on the diagonal, from the front, left, and underneath, even though I was traveling in a straight line. I could tell because I had oriented my body, parallel to the street signs.
I lean, from side to side, in a tractor, to avoid being hit in the face by the jagged, low-hanging branches of fruit trees, sometimes, so low, that the blunt tread of the wheel rubs the back of my head.
I stand on tall ladders with one leg, have noticed myself in free fall, landed on my feet.
People tell me that I look very sharp, or stern, when performing these feats, but I notice that my emotional response is delayed, until the after the completion of a task.
To be honest, this does scare me, but much later.