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23 May 2012, 8:50 pm

I hate any kind of nuts or seeds...when I bite into them it makes my brain want to explode..I hate that Texture ...... Same with oranges corn blueberries and a few other things

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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25 May 2012, 7:52 am

Wow, another things that's probably AS not me just being odd!

I have big issues with texture too, specifically that crunchy-but-soft texture that most vegetables have. It's so incredibly annoying since I like the look of lots of food but I can't eat it because of this.


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25 May 2012, 8:29 am

I have the strangest reaction to tomatoes. Normally, I love vegetables, even completely raw ones--the "crunchy" texture is actually pleasing to me--but tomatoes make me gag--literally. The ironic thing is that I love tomato basil and tomato sauces...just not raw tomatoes. I think it's the combination of acidic and bitter that repulses me.
I also have a relatively strong preference for warm or hot foods over chilly or cold foods. Sometimes, I will eat food cold out of sheer hunger and laziness, but warm has its own taste to me--almost a sweet oatmeal taste--and its a taste I find extremely pleasant.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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25 May 2012, 1:11 pm

Textures can be an issue with me, but any food with a stinking odor and I'm very close to gagging. I cannot imagine how people can eat things that smell bad. Some fish excepted!


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25 May 2012, 8:41 pm

Regular hotdogs always gagged me as a kid, still do. Oscar Meyer are the worst, its something about the texture and taste.


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26 May 2012, 3:51 pm

I avoid mushrooms if I can. They're slimy, they taste bad, they feel rubbery in my mouth, they even smell gross when you cook them. Just thinking about them has caused me to lose my appetite before. :?

I also hate olives. They seem to have a "heavy" taste that I always have trouble describing, since I don't know of anything else that tastes like them. Olive oil is fine, but I don't think there's anything special about it.

Even worse, though, are pickles. Their taste just contaminates everything they touch. It's never even as simple as removing pickles from your sandwich- the taste is still there! This one is especially odd for me since I love sour/tart foods and I enjoy some other pickled items (like pickled plum in Japanese onigiri, and pickled ginger, used with sushi.) There's just something about pickled cucumbers that I can't stand.

I'm a vegan now (I do not eat nor use any animal products, including meat, fish, shellfish, milk, eggs, honey, leather, etc.), but when I was a kid, I couldn't stand many types of meat. Meatloaf was a top offender. Anything full of fat really bothered me, too. When I was given steak, I usually ended up cutting half of it off and throwing it out since I thought they had too much fat, which made it really chewy and awkward (my parents were not happy about that!) I also always hated bacon. I can't, for the life of me, understand why there seems to be a sudden internet-wide unanimous vote that bacon is awesome. I can't even be in the house when somebody's cooking it without me gagging from the smell. As well, I can't stand the smell of cooking eggs. I don't even know what fried eggs tastes like, because ever since I was a kid, the smell of them cooking was enough to drive me away.

One more thing, I never could tolerate fish. My dad is an avid fisherman, so he'd often catch and cook the fish himself. I couldn't figure out how to cut it up on my plate, first of all. It always seemed to fall apart. It doesn't get any better in my mouth. But then I also had to taste it... blech!

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26 May 2012, 4:12 pm

I am a faddy eater and I don't like watching people eat food I dislike. I don't like slimy textures. Mayonaise, mushrooms, certain soups, salad cream, mustard, ketchup, spinach and most types of fish make me want to hurl. Cereal when it has soaked up milk. Milk disgusts me too but I tolerate it. I can't stand fast food, burger king, mcdonald smell. I hate cheesy smells like nachos my neighbours seem to cook all the time. I don't like most sweets apart from chocolate, i.e., licorice, jelly type sweets


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26 May 2012, 5:00 pm

Mashed potato if it has butter in it. I cannot abide the combination of potato and butter, it actually makes me vomit if I have to eat it. Barf.

Blancmange. What the hell is that stuff?...couldn't touch it as a kid and still can't now. The texture is all wrong although the taste is fine.

Angel delight was better!


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26 May 2012, 5:59 pm

rice pudding. threw up on the dining table at about age 4 (yes, I do remember it still) and haven't eaten it since. It must be a texture thing, the grains of rice, with raisins, eww, very very repulsive. Tapioca pudding is fine, but rice pudding is NO WAY.

Can't stand to eat peas. Canned, they squish out their mushy guts when you touch them with the fork, also, they're a very sickening shade of green. Husband loves them, so I agreed to get him some frozen peas, he could have them, I would eat something else, but unfortunately, and unexpectedly--the smell of them cooking was so horrible, I cannot abide by that agreement in the future ! sorry, just can't.

There are plenty of foods I don't like, but those are two foods that go beyond dislike, into something totally abhorrant and repulsive. Also, I often leave uneaten meat on my plate, much to husband's chagrin, as I can't eat it if it's "dry". Can't eat dry food. So he's almost neurotic when he cooks meat on the grill, to get it at that shade of "not raw but not dry", where it's still pink and juicy but not bleeding and raw.... poor husband. That's how I know he loves me, bless him.

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26 May 2012, 7:45 pm

Another thing, I cannot eat anything that smells bad to me. This is probably normal, but it also applies to things like vegetable casseroles and various cooked meats and vegetables.

I completely agree with the point about the taste of pickle, and their slimy texture gets to me, same with the texture of tomatoes.

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