Mummy_of_Peanut wrote:
She started to shout, 'I'm not moving to the right for you. You move to the left, like me. We always pass on the left. That's the way it's done'. I expect she wanted him to move along like traffic (remember we drive on the left here). Everyone was staring at her as she marched on. Maybe it was just her rule, I don't know. He was an old man too and I felt for him.
I have always thought of it that way aswell, in a crowded hall/walkway/shopping centers, there are one stream on one side, and an oposite stream on the other side. In my country we drive on the right, so I walk to the right of people, usually. I dont think the "I walk on this side, no wait, the other side, no you walk on that side, lets dance"-dance is related to autism.
AQ: 42/50 || SQ: 32/80 || IQ(RPM): 138 || IRI-empathytest(PT/EC/FS/PD): 10(-7)/16(-3)/19(+3)/19(+10) || Alexithymia: 148/185 || Aspie-quiz: AS 133/200, NT 56/200