Have you ever had a job? What I am asking is, have you ever paid into Social Security, at all, for if you have, and are below an age, it has been a long time since I was in social services, it was 25, check, and then become disabled, it is like you are 65, full Social Security, Medicare, not Medicade.
Social Security pays about twice SSI, Doctors will take Medicare, Medicade works at free clinics.
They will try to dump you on SSI, it is their job, yours is to get SS. There are legal limits on what a lawyer can charge to help, 25% of back payments, from the date of application, most lawyers are useless, they take a lot of cases, and win some by default. But for a letter at the right time, it is worth it.
Social Security has their own Doctors, if you make the appointment, there is nothing wrong with you, if you do not, there is nothing wrong, and if you die in the office, you are not covered. You need two outside Doctors. the rest will not buck the Profession.
School advisors, Special Ed, count for nothing, two MDs, one lawyer. They are hired guns, but sometimes that is what you need.
If you have never had a job, get one. make just enough, some low number, that you pay into Social Security. Try, if you can not make in the work work because of AS, and you have paid, at least you tried.
This is the rest of your life, do it right. Up to an age, which I think you are nearing, treatment is free, after that, nothing is free.
I say there is nothing wrong with AS, but the NTs do, so they should pay. Someone keeps you in computers, might even feed you, buy you some clothes, help them out.