Ive spent years trying to figure out what it is. Trying to stop it. Trying to onset it. Trying to make it last longer.
Its happens to me MOSTLY when im bymyself. But its like everything slows down around me, i get a little scared, a little nervous. I tend to hold my hands out and look at my palms and start to get this extremely lucid feeling. Things go through my mind like "wow is this really me?" "am i really here" Everything around me seems so new and exagerated. My head gets swimmy and then it becomes like a nightmare sometimes, only you're awake. I stare at my clothes and hands and if their is a mirror near by i look at myself in awe and wonder.
Its the feeling of like if i was a being that has never exsisted until this moment. Sometimes it stops me in my tracks or I have to pull over on the road.
they can be gauge diffrently too sometimes i even talk outloud by myself, which i rarely do, and say "wow...that was a good one" shake it off and just keep doin what i was doin.
Id be exicited to talk to anyone that has ever had this happen to them. I kinda tend to ignore it now when it happens, I just close my eyes and wait for it to go away. But these days i really wanna find out what it is.
If anyone has any insight as to whether or not this has a name or a reference mabey i can do some research.