You can go to a shrink, but ensure that he knows about AS first (and even believes that it exists; many don't). Many of them are all too happy to take your money without even knowing what they're doing. Cognitive Behavorial Therapy (CBT) is sometimes used, especially for issues such as anxiety. If you have a comorbid issue such as depression or anxiety, meds can be taken (I take Wellbutrin and Xanax for those, respectively). However, I've often heard that if you have comorbid issues and take meds, treatment is 80% you and 20% meds. Meds are NOT a cure-all. Having AS is a challenge, and you MUST do some work. I think the most important thing, though, is this: You must decide whether you want to "pretend to be normal" or just be yourself. I've recently come to the conclusion that being "normal" is just too much for me. I'm not changing for anyone unless my behavior hurts them.