amongtheweeds wrote:
Hey everyone!
I'm pretty new to wrongplanet, but I've started working on a tumblr blog for people with Asperger's. It's nothing serious, its just a humorous blog that makes light of some of the everyday problems we face as people living with autism. I'd really appreciate it if you would check it out, and if you have a tumblr, think about following me! I'd love any feedback you have too.
"When a teacher randomly calls on you in a class you can never concentrate in and you still get the answer right"
Been there, felt that dance!
AQ: 42/50 || SQ: 32/80 || IQ(RPM): 138 || IRI-empathytest(PT/EC/FS/PD): 10(-7)/16(-3)/19(+3)/19(+10) || Alexithymia: 148/185 || Aspie-quiz: AS 133/200, NT 56/200