MomofThree1975 wrote:
For those who do not feel sad about what happened, by your own logic, no one should feel sad about you being bullied, or treated bad in general. Afterall, they don't know you, so why should they care about yout. And by that logic, you should have no anger inside of you that no one cares about you, because, well, they do not know you and by your own logic, they are well withing their right not to care anything about you.
Indeed. The next time that various people on this thread appear in The Haven, moaning that they can't find a girlfriend, or they don't like their parents or whatever gripe it is that day, I presume that they will understand if I reply with 'Well I don't know you, so I don't really care. Your problem doesn't matter to me at all, and frankly, it's pretty unimportant in the grand scheme of things'.
I don't know if this is directed at me, but I feel that both of you are being far too critical of those of us who said we don't feel bad about the shooting. It's simply not in our nature.