Janissy wrote:
Nymeria8 wrote:
I have it as well. I wish I could say I had good coping mechanisms but the best I found is to break things down into the simplest form of calculation. It means a lot of extra work but its the best I've got. For example, breaking multiplication down to addition.
I always had trouble in math in school, except for geometry. It was always very frustratiing to explain to people.
All I can say is, I am 36 and still secretly count on my fingers.
Woa!! ! This is me exactly. I spent my entire childhood breaking multiplication down into endless addition and breaking division down into endless subtraction. This took a very long time and I always did badly on math tests because I didn't have time to do this with all the problems. And the teachers deducted points because the entire page was filled with long, long addition and subtraction columns so they could see I wasn't really multiplying and dividing.
The one kind of math I could do was geometry. I baffled myself. I couldn't understand why I
could understand. It remains the only sort of math that makes sense. I thought I was unique in being able to do nothing but geometry and long columns of addition and subtraction (until cheap portable calculators were invented). But here you are, exactly the same.
Alas, the calculator can't do algebra. And therefore neither can I. Unless it is the simplest possible equation.
I am middle aged and just secretly counted on my fingers to calculate a waiter's tip just a couple hours ago.
Hey, I'm the same age as you, but
I'm not middle-aged!
All it takes is a glance at my ACT scores: Language: 24, Social Studies: 26, Natural Science: 28
, Math: 10--so I must've got in a couple of lucky guesses.
I remember using piles and piles of scratch paper covered with my huge sloppy scrawl. My handwriting was so bad I couldn't ever get the columns lined up right to do long multiplication. And every time I did long division it was like I was doing it for the first time.
Geometry was the only math class I passed with more than a C- average. Even though my scores were low in both sections of the CAT all through elementary and high school, I did much worse in the "computation" segment than the "understanding of concepts" segment.