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04 Aug 2012, 1:46 am

Buddha? Buddha we will all wake


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04 Aug 2012, 3:57 am

I actually have very few thoughts of on how Buddhism relates to autism. All I know is that I often make mistakes during the rituals at my Zen dojo due to clumsiness.

I don't think about enlightenment in terms of being closer or further away. It's just awareness of what is already all around you. Compassion in the Buddhist sense follows from the awareness that you are part of the wider world. It's not the same as the cognitive empathy that autistics struggle with.

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04 Aug 2012, 4:08 am

Drg wrote:
Buddha? Buddha we will all wake

Buddha? :lol:

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04 Aug 2012, 4:15 am

LipstickKiller wrote:
Unfortunately I do spend some time thinking about why I want to avoid people, but that's stemming from new realizations post-diagnosis so I expect I will stop thinking about it once I'm used to these new concepts. I'll freely admit to being self-obsessed right now, but I don't know how to curb it, it seems to get worse when I berate myself for it, so I figure I'll ride it out and try to limit the effects it has on people around me.

I know this is an old post, but I will just say that trying to curb self-obsession makes it much worse.

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04 Aug 2012, 6:33 am

You are definitely not further away from enlightenment.

Also the separation from the self that most people with AS have is what the NTs who practice Buddhism are in search of, anyway. And l think someone with AS is more likely to feel zen, which is probably more valuable than an individual connection with someone.

And l agree with the quote, most autistics are going to be very good at logically analyzing the motives behind their behavior. As smart as some NTs are, and l may not justified in describing this behavior as "smart" anyway but to me it is, many or maybe most simply cannot separate themselves from their emotions completely.

But at the same time l know what you mean about "scattered pieces" of the self. l don't know if that can be resolved through any concepts related to Buddhism or even if it should be. It can be disconcerting and it has really derailed my life in the past but l think it's tied too closely to my neurology to overcome. There is probably a way to balance it that Buddhism can aid in, though.

l'm not really into Buddhism. l've tried to get into it in the past and it has always drawn me because it appeals to the Aspie ish traits l have.

One thing that really appeals to me is the discussion of ego death, how many of the problems people have ar a result of ego attachments and how far a person can advance if they learn to let go of them. l feel like l've always been halfway there so the prospect of potential enlightenment is exciting to me.

l've always been too much of a spaz to take a serious approach but someday l will learn about Buddhism properly.




Last edited by EXPECIALLY on 04 Aug 2012, 6:46 am, edited 1 time in total.


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04 Aug 2012, 10:06 am

The way I see it, my emotions themselves are not disordered so much as my ability to recognise them. I still feel the same things as other people, so compassion is possible.

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03 Nov 2013, 9:38 pm

Hawkseye wrote:
emotions- all emotions, are unhealthy, that they cause our suffering. Emotions are selfish.
I'm an 'aspie' Buddhist, and my understanding of emotions from a Buddhist perspective is that they are something of a blunt instrument (much like your understanding of this point imho :P ), but NOT unhealthy. I don't think it's fair on those who might thus be put off (from the chance to benefit from Buddhism) to tar Buddhism with an Autistic/'Mr. Spock' Religion brush. How many Buddhist leaders fit that image? {Of course, autistics are no less emotional than 'NT's in reality, but that's another topic _ } Most -if not all- of the online info. on Buddhism will give you the orthodox view that the universal state of fundamental suffering ('dukkha') is caused specifically by Ignorance, and -beyond that- by the polarity of Attachment and Aversion. Vajrayana Buddhism in particular appears to make use of passionate emotions at the very least. The onus is on you -as a Vajrayana practitioner- to explain how this appearance is deceptive.

The rest of your post was pretty good, e.g.
Hawkseye wrote:
Focus on others, and your awareness of their pain. It helps us "Autis" relate, and it brings our minds out of ourselves and helps us be better people to others and society
- Great :D Since what you're doing does you good, go for it :) ; just remember compassion is literally com+passion. I don't really understand this, but compassion without emotional insight sounds like coaching a sport you've never played _ _ _

In any case, you don't need a complete comprehension of Buddhism to benefit from it, just an open understanding that benefits as you benefit. In fact, the whole point of this so-called 'religion' is to guide beings (including autistics presumeably :D ) to a final understanding of reality that leaves them so transformed that there's no more benefit to be had for them.

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03 Nov 2016, 7:32 pm

I have been a practicing Zen Buddhist for 30 years now and it saves me and my also aspie son when he was 15. I think now we are better at it than its and also it is so important for ourselves. I want to write a book or at least a blog post about this. Send me a message thru here somehow if you would like to be interviewed. I wrote my own book "Life in he Aspergers Jungle" and how the zendo saved our lives is a chapter.


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11 Apr 2019, 2:32 pm

This old(er) discussion thread needs to be reclaimed!


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11 Apr 2019, 2:57 pm

JustFoundHere wrote:
This old(er) discussion thread needs to be reclaimed!

Thanks for bumping this, good stuff!

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12 Apr 2019, 9:22 am

Just wanted to bump this thread, I find this very interesting. I'm a Christian but I used to visit this Theravada Buddhist monastery near me to meditate, and Buddhism interests me very much so. My biggest hurdle (and please forgive me if I am misunderstanding this, as I have read numerous conflicting reports across a variety of traditions) is that this life is the result of my past misdeeds and bad karma from previous lives, correct? And if that's the truth, nothing wrong with that, can't change the past, but it still hurts to hear that yknow? Like there's guilt and regret in something I cannot even remember nor know what exactly I have done. Another interpretation I have heard is that karma works in smaller ways, like for instance being an a**hole results in alienation from the ppl u were being an a**hole to.

I read though how the Buddha called this line of thinking as one of thee Four un-conjecturables in the Acintita Sutra, which states one of them as "The precise working out of the results of kamma...".

Waiting for screening for ASD (under recommendation of pdoc)
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19 Apr 2019, 7:07 pm

One Buddhist belief focuses on balance, detachment and neutrality. The struggle for "balance" is ladden with discord, imbalance, and subjectivity.

LINK on Tatramajjhattatā (Pali): A Buddhist term that is translated as "equanimity", "neutrality of mind", etc. In the Theravada tradition, it is defined as a mental attitude of balance, detachment, and impartiality.



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20 Apr 2019, 7:14 am

DeFyYing wrote:
Just wanted to bump this thread, I find this very interesting. I'm a Christian but I used to visit this Theravada Buddhist monastery near me to meditate, and Buddhism interests me very much so. My biggest hurdle (and please forgive me if I am misunderstanding this, as I have read numerous conflicting reports across a variety of traditions) is that this life is the result of my past misdeeds and bad karma from previous lives, correct? And if that's the truth, nothing wrong with that, can't change the past, but it still hurts to hear that yknow? Like there's guilt and regret in something I cannot even remember nor know what exactly I have done. Another interpretation I have heard is that karma works in smaller ways, like for instance being an a**hole results in alienation from the ppl u were being an a**hole to.

I read though how the Buddha called this line of thinking as one of thee Four un-conjecturables in the Acintita Sutra, which states one of them as "The precise working out of the results of kamma...".

If I have understood my teachers, this life is result of all karma, beneficial and harmful of past lives. In particular, there is good karma, a good seed ripenning, which has resulted first of all in birth as a human, as a human birth has the greatest potential, and on top of that, birth in places and times where one has access to sources of wisdom and compassion such as your Christian Faith and Practice and your connections to the Dharma.


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21 Apr 2019, 2:58 pm

LipstickKiller wrote:
I know there are a few practising buddhists out there so I am turning to you for some help. I have difficulty interpreting what having autism means from a buddhistic perspective. More specifically I'm concerned that from a buddhist perspective my search for answers about my own nature and the nature of my suffering (as it relates to AS) is an unhealthy form of grasping. Does having autism mean that I am furter away from being enlightened? Do my problems with relating to other people and difficulty understanding other people's emotion make me handicapped regarding true compassion and leading a life that truly benefits other beings?

I know enough about buddhism to see that to some extent my worries are irrational, as buddhism is all about acceptance and awareness, but I think some examples of viewpoints would help me integrate the scattered parts of myself. (If anything, being diagnosed with AS has caused me to see non-self from a rather painful perspective).

I'm rambling, as usual, but I would sincerely appreciate your thoughts on autism from a buddhist perspective, as well as your own personal experiences, if you are inclined to share them.


added: I found this by lama Yeshe on treating mental illness, which makes a lot of sense to me. By his recommendations the analytical mind of an Aspie would actually be part of the solution. :)

"My way of treating mental illness is to try to have the person analyze the basic nature of his own problem. I try to show him the true nature of his mind so that with his own mind he can understand his own problems. If he can do that, he can solve his own problems himself. I don’t believe that I can solve his problems by simply talking to him a little. That might make him feel a bit better, but it’s very transient relief. The root of his problems reaches deep into his mind; as long as it’s there, changing circumstances will cause more problems to emerge.

My method is to have him check his own mind in order to gradually see its true nature. I’ve had the experience of giving someone a little advice and having him think, “Oh, great, my problem’s gone; Lama solved it with just a few words,” but that’s a fabrication. He’s just making it up. There’s no way you can understand your own mental problems without your becoming your own psychologist. It’s impossible.

Q. How do you help people understand their problems? How do you go about it?
Lama. I try to show them the psychological aspect of their nature, how to check their own minds. Once they know this, they can check and solve their own problems. I try to teach them an approach. "

Wow. I've done that exact thing. It's tough and draining but worth it.


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22 Apr 2019, 4:29 am

These older threads are so useful... concepts explained from an ASD perspective, new ideas to think about... perfect.


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22 Apr 2019, 2:24 pm

As far as I know there is no particular Buddhist perspective on AS: all suffering sentient creatures are considered to be in a key way the same in that their suffering is a result of ignorance (wrong thinking, self-cherishing and clinging in relation to this wrong thinking). Also, imo, this, unfortunately, is not the appropriate place or conditions to discuss Buddhism, at least in depth, as the atmosphere is too confused and chaotic, generally speaking, for people to be able to hone in and focus to the necessary degree or to assimilate anything of enduring value regarding Buddhist teaching. This said, as a forum to just hang out on, to socialize and/or try to inquire into certain topics, it is fine, though I think it could be much better if people did not flit capriciously from topic to topic.