Fuzzy wrote:
Let us be clear: there is no such thing as free healthcare. It is either paid for at a rate that allow those that need extra it to get service, at the expense of less sick people, or it is subsidized through hidden taxation.
In Alberta we pay a yearly premium based on income, and in Ontario, for example, it is paid for by taxation. It works like insurance. Everyone pays a little, the accumulated total pays doctors, nurses, hospital costs, and the more vital surgeries. It does not pay for medicine. If you need your medicine paid for, you must qualify for additional programs(which are paid for with taxes as well).
Please do not fall for the myth that it is free, and certainly do not spread the myth. It is more properly called subsidized healthcare, or universal healthcare.
I'm sure catsarenice knows that. STILL, BUMS get it for free, and Americans ARE paying for it through taxes, but most(like myself) DON'T get it!
*I* have arthritis! 8-( And I found out WHY! And its cause affects MOST people in the US and its "cure" could help your attitude a LITTLE. I say CURE because it will only help physical problems a bit, and SLOW progression. The product? MAGNESIUM! Take a good calcium/magnesium supplement(about 1G calcium and 400mg magnesium per day), and it may help you a LOT. It reduces bone loss, helps bone/muscle repair, immunity, memory, attitude, and pain control. ALSO, symptoms of extreme overdose are mild, and reversible, so it is safe.