nintendogurl1990 wrote:
Anyone sensitive to certain textures of food? I don't like slimy, watery (like in cucumbers when you bite into them), or very chewy textures. That's why I had a very hard time eating vegetables when I was younger. I can eat veggies now, although there are still some I won't eat such as cucumbers, pickles, carrots and tomatoes. I also don't like Jell-O because of it's feels slimy in my mouth.
I can't bear slithery food, anything stringy liked cooked spinach, the gristle on meat sent me vegetarian years ago, I always find the bits in my mouthful of food because they really bug me and take them out. Like bits of dried herb that are bigger than they are meant to be, bits of skins of tomatoes and peppers. Lettuce and salad leaves I was never able to eat because it was like eating paper, but just recently, I can manage them when they are covered in mediterranean salad dressing as it disguises them enough. I have never, ever been able to understand how anyone can eat peaches and apricots with the skin on, when I tried I was nearly sick, it was like eating a mouse with the fur on. Errgh, I have to stop thinking about all these yucky textures now because my throat is starting to clench as if I will be sick.
*Truth fears no trial*
DX AS & both daughters on the autistic spectrum