Personally I suspect this is all nonsense. As someone else has already said, "yes, I have rings around my pupils, but so do my NT sisters." Therefore, having rings around your pupils does not mean you have autism. However, I suppose there might be some argument for a theory saying it means you are carrying the autism gene, and that might warrant further investigation. Not everyone who carries a certain gene develops the condition themselves.
Eye colour was once a fleeting special interest of mine, but I never learned much about rings around the pupil. I was far more interested in sunbursts.
Here is a link to the Wikipedia article on eye colour: ... z_scale.29
It says:
white, gray, or blue ring around the eye may be arcus senilis.
but it doesn't say anything about brown rings having any medical implications. I Googled "arcus senilis" and found it fairly interesting.
Here is a link to an eye colour chart so that people commenting on this thread can tell us what colour their eyes are without having to post a pic: ... pigeon.jpg
You can click on it to zoom in. Eyes are so unique that your own particular eye colour may not be in that chart, but you can select the nearest match.
Mine are probably the last one on the right on row 2.
I am sure I've seen darker brown eyes than the ones they are including on that chart as supposedly being the brownest extreme. Some black people have eyes so dark that their irises almost look the same colour as their pupils. The chart seems to only consist of photos of white people's eyes. I wonder why that is?