IndieSoul wrote:
XFilesGeek wrote:
I'm a female and I have several on my arms. Large ones.
I got them because I like them and am fascinated by body modification in general.
Of course, it seems like it's "fashionable" to pooh-pooh tattoos these days, which suits me fine because it allows me to more easily weed-out people who are inclined to judge others based on superficial nonsense. "Reverse sheep" are every bit as annoying as "sheep."
This. You know, not all tattoos are trashy and stupid.
Yeah, mostly I got mine because I wanted the "experience" of getting one. If my tats have any inherent "meaning," it's that I don't take this "transient world" seriously.
As for people not finding me "attractive," weeeellll............I'm more than happy to be left out of the monkey mating game. I find body modification intriguing to say the least, and even though I don't experience "attraction" myself, I'm much more likely to notice a beatifically modded person than a boring, baseline human.
"If we fail to anticipate the unforeseen or expect the unexpected in a universe of infinite possibilities, we may find ourselves at the mercy of anyone or anything that cannot be programmed, categorized or easily referenced."
-XFG (no longer a moderator)