Hmm... here's my best +/- of Aspie-run government:
+ Most people with Asperger's have a strong moral compass, so they will do what they think is best for the people, even at their own expense. The government can "turn around" much more easily.
+ Most people with Asperger's have much greater tolerance for differences, having lived their whole lives "different" from most people. Those outside the "norm" will not be thrown under the bus unless they are actually harming society.
+ People with Asperger's generally have more brainpower in coming up with fair policies, the technical aspects of government, or both.
+ There would be much, MUCH less lying by the "politicians" to the people.
- Wording policies and "selling" them to the people in ways they can understand is difficult for people with Asperger's. A policy may be brilliant, but extremely unpopular since most people aren't smart enough to figure out the reasoning behind it on their own.
- Impaired executive function can mean some problems get ignored for long periods of time since they obsess on just a few.
- People with Asperger's may be biased towards policies favoring those on the spectrum over neurotypicals, possibly resulting in a society where neurotypicals have as many "problems" as Aspies do in a world made for NT's.
Your Aspie score: 98 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 103 of 200
You seem to have both Aspie and neurotypical traits
AQ: 33