Haha, no. I have terrible motor skills. I have difficulty catching balls. I've never hit a baseball. I'm unfit. I'm slow. I trip a lot. PE was by far the worst part of school.
The only time I've really been interested in sports was for a short time in 2nd grade, when I was interested in (American) football. I've never actually played it (it was forbidden at school), except casually with my two "friends" at the time. I guess I was good at that, but only because I could run across the whole field with both of them on my back.
In elementary school where most of the sports were done with the whole class in two large teams I spent most of my time playing sports such as "stay as far away from the ball as possible", "let others cut in line without getting caught", and "stand outside of the teacher's field of vision".
In junior high, where there were usually smaller groups, I was always left standing by myself until the teacher put me in a group. Nobody wanted me in their group, because that meant an automatic loss. So I'd end each day with the group I was in angry at me. When we'd run the teacher would always be yelling at me to run faster, when I was already at my limit. Sometimes they'd say that if the whole class doesn't run a certain distance in 10 minutes then everyone would have to run for the rest of the class. I would always trip over the finish line at 15 minutes with everyone staring at me. Luckily, they never actually made everyone run again.
Then in the last year of junior high I tripped and screwed up my arm, so I was able to escape most sports for the rest of that year and through high school. I just walked the whole class. Much better!
I guess that makes me a "sports refuser".