I tried CBT several times for my OCD. The fact that it didn't work is what led one therapist to first bring up Asperger's. The main reasons I feel CBT was useless for me are because I feel emotions and fears differently than most people, my anxiety/panic attack from an obsession will NOT go away unless I do the compulsion (I've literally had panic attacks on and off for DAYS until I compulsively confess), I am too logical and tend to see through the strategies they use, and I've had OCD since I was 3 and feel that I just simply went untreated for too long and developed OCD too early to know any other way.
What my last CBT therapist said the day she brought up Asperger's was that I'm a "moving target." She said, "You have so MANY fears! It's hard to pin you down! One week, you'll be worried about one thing, but the next week, it's a different issue!"
Another reason CBT failed for me is because I'm a pure obsessional. CBT and ERP work well for overt compulsions but not as well for mental rituals. And going back to my logical and scientific ways of thinking, I never saw the point in stopping my mental prayers after obsessions, because there always IS a chance, no matter how illogical or miniscule, that somebody will get sick or hurt or whatever shortly after I have an obsession like, "I hope they die." So, why take the chance of something bad happening, not checking or praying or confessing or whatever, and then feel horrible guilt and upset afterwards?
Helinger: Now, what do you see, John?
Nash: Recognition...
Helinger: Well, try seeing accomplishment!
Nash: Is there a difference?