I would love to attend. I could ride my bicycle in tight circles or figure eights playing guitar as I ride. I can turn in a relatively small area riding with no hands as shown in the following video:
I can also ride indoors when it is too cold or wet to ride outside.
I have written hundreds of original songs, come up with new ones all the time, and also know several dozen cover tunes of classic rock from the 1960s and 1970s. I have ridden tens of thousands of miles doing this since the early 1980s, and it provides some temporary relief from the physical and psychological stresses of my neurology. For me, it is a mediation in motion.
Without a working car, and with my very very very limited income, I would probably have trouble getting to the conference though.
Still if anyone wants me there and can arrange the transportation, I could demonstrate what I do and also talk about what it was like to live my first forty years without knowing why I was so different from everyone else I knew or even heard or read about. I can also discuss how being The Bicycling Guitarist, for me, somehow helps my sensory overload issues, and also that the publicity and musical practice have helped somewhat with social issues.
I have played a two hour show every Wednesday night the past ten weeks in a row at a local coffee house, my first scheduled performances anywhere since the mid-1990s and the first ever that feature The Bicycling Guitarist as a solo performer. So far there haven't been many people at the shows, but response is generally positive from the people who are there. My YouTube channel has several videos of some of my recent performances.
"When you ride over sharps, you get flats!"--The Bicycling Guitarist, May 13, 2008