I've spoken with several NT's about this recently, and was surprised how all of them, save my wife, said how hurt they were when someone they knew was "antisocial" with them. It would seem NT's have a mind blindness of their own; expecting forms of social expression and needs to be universal to all people.
In regard to this I think it's important to educate, understand, and compromise on both sides. I think when people realize there is a biological and cognitive reason for someone to be more distant, they have a lesser chance of taking it personally. On the flip side, we should seek to find a balance between being alone and spending time with others. That's why I love Facebook. I can have friends, share, and be involved, AND be in my room at the same time. I text a lot too.
Maybe when you come home, you could go to your room, but give a friendly hello via text.
Keep learning, everyone!
We are not so different from potted plants in that, if given everything we need to be properly nourished, the outcome can be incredibly contrary to when we are not. A flower won't grow in flour, and neither can we.