Will there ever be a cure for Aspergers?

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01 Dec 2012, 8:41 pm

Yep. Just wait until May 2013 and the label will be vanished from the DSM and if you fail to meet the new ASD criteria, you're cured. :wink:

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01 Dec 2012, 8:42 pm

DVCal wrote:
thomas81 wrote:
Will there ever be a cure for Aspergers?

No, and there never should be.

Disagree, many of us suffering from this disorder need and want a cure.

its not the disorder thats necessarilly causing the suffering.

Its the ignorance surrounding it. I dont want a cure to exist, because society will create a precedence to force it upon those that dont want it.


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01 Dec 2012, 10:09 pm

There won't be.

Before we can find any kind of a cure, we'll be able to do a prenatal test which will tell us the probability of a child being born with autism. When there's a prenatal test, people will get abortions, and the funding for research into a cure will disappear. If we get to the point that gene therapy can be used to arbitrarily swap out any gene with any other, then we could possibly make sure those babies are born non-autistic, but once you're two or three years old, autism is hard-wired and the kind of thing it would take to change that is a totally different procedure from changing a fetus or an infant with a brain in early development. Because of the availability of a prenatal test, any research on curing adult autistics would not receive funding.

So, no matter how advanced medical science gets--there will never be a cure for autism. Only a way to make sure that autistic children are never born.

You are autistic; you will always be autistic.

To me, this is reassuring. My brain is my own. My personality and my experiences of the world are built in an autistic pattern. To re-wire it would be to erase everything I am, all my memories, the things I've learned. To change me to NT would be a form of death--like deleting the information on a computer hard drive, so that you can overwrite it with a new operating system.

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02 Dec 2012, 2:22 am

DVCal wrote:
Aspergers which is really a form of Autism is a neurological disorder. It is an illness that affects many of us. I like you also want a cure for this condition.

Quote your source. Who told you this and why? What scientific observation do you have on this? No? Well then, DON'T SAY SOMEONE ELSE IS WRONG AND ARGUE WITH THEM ABOUT IT.

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02 Dec 2012, 2:25 am

thomas81 wrote:
Its the ignorance surrounding it. I dont want a cure to exist, because society will create a precedence to force it upon those that dont want it.

Thank you.

It's frightening how many supposedly autistic people are so ignorant about autism. People say it's a disorder because that's what they were TOLD. Some simple logical deductions show otherwise.

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02 Dec 2012, 2:27 am

MikeW999 wrote:
To the people claiming that this is somehow my fault or I am "just whining", let me enlighten you.. socialization is healthy for humans and Aspergers greatly deters me from socializing especially with those my own age.

That is their fault, not yours.


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02 Dec 2012, 2:44 am

Otherwake wrote:
DVCal wrote:
Aspergers which is really a form of Autism is a neurological disorder. It is an illness that affects many of us. I like you also want a cure for this condition.

Quote your source. Who told you this and why? What scientific observation do you have on this? No? Well then, DON'T SAY SOMEONE ELSE IS WRONG AND ARGUE WITH THEM ABOUT IT.

http://www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/auti ... autism.htm

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a range of complex neurodevelopment disorders, characterized by social impairments, communication difficulties, and restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behavior.

Clearly it is a disorder, and one that isn't good or positive.


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02 Dec 2012, 7:28 am

Actually, all cases of AS have been cured, but an equal amount of people caught HFA.

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02 Dec 2012, 7:33 am

MikeW999 wrote:
I am 22 and a lifelong sufferer. I know no other way of living. I just want to have it as easy and natural as NT's to socialize. I am sick of living like. It is so hard to be a socially inept adult, who looks normal because people do not understand. Do you think there will ever be a cure?

I'm 57 so it's too late for me but I'd like to think that it will be cured in the future.
I would not want future generations to go through the misery that I did in my youth.

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02 Dec 2012, 2:21 pm

DVCal wrote:

Quote their source.

DVcal wrote:
Clearly it is a disorder, and one that isn't good or positive.

There is nothing "clear" or "obvious" about it being a disorder. If it was so clear, then why is the presence of Neurodiversity groups focusing on not suppressing autism so enormous? Go do some more reading.

P.S. You suck at logic.


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02 Dec 2012, 4:07 pm

And you suck at being polite to someone you're debating with. Take a break, get some tea, and stop flaming each other. Sheesh.

By the way, it is entirely possible to agree that autism is a disability, and believe that forcing autistics to try to become as NT as possible is unethical. This is my position.

I think we need to question the assumption that disability is automatically a negative thing. Yes, it means you have some kind of impairment, but we don't mourn our lack of Olympic athletic ability or our lack of Nobel-winning science skill. Why does our society pity people who are impaired compared to typical, but not people who are impaired compared to the extremely talented? The only difference is one of degree and accommodation: Society is not set up to accommodate for people who are impaired compared to normal.

But it can be. Society can change so that people with disabilities participate as fully as anyone else, are valued as much as anyone else, and are not considered inferior. In some smaller subcultures, that's already the case. The neurodiversity movement is one such culture; so is the Deaf community.

I believe that we can create a world in which disabled people are considered equals, and where their impairments are considered no more tragic than my own inability to win the 100-meter dash. In preparation for those changes--which I see every day slowly but surely taking place--we should analyze our own ideas about what disability is, challenge our own assumptions.

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02 Dec 2012, 4:25 pm

Otherwake wrote:
DVCal wrote:

Quote their source.

DVcal wrote:
Clearly it is a disorder, and one that isn't good or positive.

There is nothing "clear" or "obvious" about it being a disorder. If it was so clear, then why is the presence of Neurodiversity groups focusing on not suppressing autism so enormous? Go do some more reading.

P.S. You suck at logic.

Why don't you quote some sources, I did quote a source if you don't like it then tough. FYI those so called neurodiversity groups are nothing more than bunch of autistic people who don't like autism being called a disorder. But real experts agree it is a disorder.

Even the DSM V defines it as a disorder, the authority on such issues.

FYI you are the one with issues with logic. Anyways I am done with you.


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02 Dec 2012, 4:38 pm

I also don't think everyone with autism needs to be cured. I know many autistic people are very happy with autism, and if they don't want a cure, they shouldn't be forced to have one. but know that many of us are not happy and do want a cure.

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02 Dec 2012, 5:02 pm

DVCal wrote:
Why don't you quote some sources, I did quote a source if you don't like it then tough. FYI those so called neurodiversity groups are nothing more than bunch of autistic people who don't like autism being called a disorder. But real experts agree it is a disorder.

Even the DSM V defines it as a disorder, the authority on such issues.

First of all, I am infuriated at your statements. "Expert"? Do these neurotypical people read the minds of autistic people and know everything they're thinking? Anyone can call themselves an "expert", and considering how obvious it is that medical practitioners are fallible, only know what they've been taught and what they have observed, and have a record of being wrong *most of the time* (which is why medical science is still evolving HEAVILY), you sure do argue about the infallibility of "real experts" a lot. These "experts" are people who went to medical school and let the books or the popular thought of the day speak for them, never questioning the buzz-words and teachings of autism or testing out the practices that people throw around like old wives tales.

Also, most mental health practitioners **I** know believe the DSM-V is wrong, incomplete, and/or inaccurate most of the time. It's a book, written by fallible medical practitioners with limited exposure to the autistic mind.

I can't tell if you really tried to weigh things out and you just speak from your little bit of experience, or if you are being arrogant and actively dismissing basic logical deductions. Assuming is the arch enemy of knowledge. Not everything you read or hear by even the smartest of people is true. They, like most other people, tend to mindlessly repeat what is popular.

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02 Dec 2012, 5:54 pm

thomas81 wrote:
Will there ever be a cure for Aspergers?

No, and there never should be.

If you think like that, you are just as bad as the "cures for everyone!" crew.


Nobody should be "forced" to be autistic, just as nobody should be "forced" to be NT. Ideally a cure should exist for autism, but nobody should be forced to take it.

I suppose taking that to its logical conclusion, there should also be a cure that makes you autistic so that NTs aren't forced to be NT.

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02 Dec 2012, 5:57 pm

The_Walrus wrote:
thomas81 wrote:
Will there ever be a cure for Aspergers?

No, and there never should be.

If you think like that, you are just as bad as the "cures for everyone!" crew.


Nobody should be "forced" to be autistic, just as nobody should be "forced" to be NT. Ideally a cure should exist for autism, but nobody should be forced to take it.

I suppose taking that to its logical conclusion, there should also be a cure that makes you autistic so that NTs aren't forced to be NT.

Ideal, but probably not practical. Hey, I'm all for idealism. I just doubt it would work. :?