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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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06 Dec 2012, 10:34 pm

I have always felt as though I am different to the rest of society. My values seem different, my beliefs seem different. I find the things that so many people take seriously to be irrelevant and arbitrary.

People at work freaking out about meeting a deadline just has me lost. What will happen if they don't meet it? Will the world end? Will someone die? No. So who cares?

I see society as this construct extroverted people have created, with all it's rules and expectations, and I just find it all so pointless.

I'm stuck in this rat race which I have no interest in. I plan to just buy a block of land in the bush, get myself a caravan, grow my own food and just "be".

Does anyone else feel this way?


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06 Dec 2012, 11:04 pm

If they don't meet their deadlines, they may lose their jobs (or be closer to losing their jobs if they perform poorly more than once), and end up homeless without enough to eat. That's close enough to the world ending for some people.

You might want to look into personality theories (MBTI and the Enneagram) if you are not familiar with them. It can help you to understand those with different personality types. I am reading a book on the MBTI that explains that those with extroverted personality types define themselves according to what is external to themselves (work, school, church, family, job, etc.). This could be one explanation for why certain people (extroverts) take certain things like deadlines so seriously.

I just realized this might be off-topic. Sorry if that's not the response you wanted.


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06 Dec 2012, 11:13 pm

Not in the least! The world's got it's fair share of problems sure, but it's a nice enough place overall ;).


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06 Dec 2012, 11:18 pm

*raises hand*

When I was young, I wanted to go so far out into the woods that nobody would find me, and live in a log cabin off the land. Now that I'm older and have seen some of life, I'm back to wanting to live in the country off the land . . or as much off the land as possible. With the creation of the Internet and online gaming, we are now limited on how far out we can go, since we need good broadband (DSL or Cable. Satellite won't do), but we plan to buy some acreage to retire on.

If it don't come easy . . . .
. . . .hack it until it works right :-)

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06 Dec 2012, 11:39 pm

kat333 wrote:
I have always felt as though I am different to the rest of society. My values seem different, my beliefs seem different. I find the things that so many people take seriously to be irrelevant and arbitrary.

People at work freaking out about meeting a deadline just has me lost. What will happen if they don't meet it? Will the world end? Will someone die? No. So who cares?

I see society as this construct extroverted people have created, with all it's rules and expectations, and I just find it all so pointless.

I'm stuck in this rat race which I have no interest in. I plan to just buy a block of land in the bush, get myself a caravan, grow my own food and just "be".

Does anyone else feel this way?

You are just a very logical being in a very illogical world


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07 Dec 2012, 1:47 am

"Dislike" would be too strong a word for my disposition to the outside world. I like the plants and I like the animals. The water and the sky. I like space and celestial bodies contained therein. I like all of those things. Love, even. The problem, for me, is humans. I wouldn't say I dislike humans either. It's really more that neurotypical behaviour of other humans is just alien enough to me that I often feel confused, frightened, irritated, when having to interact with my own species. I find more common ground with wild animals than I do with fellow humanity.

So, I guess alienated would be the best term for me and how I feel about my species. And yes, if the opportunity were available to separate myself from society further, I would likely take it. Thing is I am somewhat attached to modern conveniences and utilities. I will not give up my hot showers. A small house in a small town in the mountains would be just about perfect I think.

Sea Gull
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07 Dec 2012, 1:59 am

i love the world i just don't like most of the people in it.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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07 Dec 2012, 2:13 am

My circumstances, on occasion, yes. The world itself, no.

Why yes, I am opinionated. Thank you for noticing.

Tufted Titmouse
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07 Dec 2012, 4:39 am

Feel just like you OP.

Though, I understand why there are deadlines. I don't care, but I wouldn't expect respect if I gave absolutely none back.

Whether I actually do respect is another thing.

Tufted Titmouse
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07 Dec 2012, 5:22 am

Appleisbetter wrote:
i love the world i just don't like most of the people in it.

Haha funny and true.

"I like the human race, I just don't like the people in it" - Charles Bukowski (I tend to agree)
kat333 wrote:
I have always felt as though I am different to the rest of society. My values seem different, my beliefs seem different. I find the things that so many people take seriously to be irrelevant and arbitrary.

People at work freaking out about meeting a deadline just has me lost. What will happen if they don't meet it? Will the world end? Will someone die? No. So who cares?

Nothing. No. Maybe they are just more passionate than you with regards to work, maybe they are a bit anal retentive in this area and they live to work instead of working to live.

I see society as this construct extroverted people have created, with all it's rules and expectations, and I just find it all so pointless.

I'm stuck in this rat race which I have no interest in. I plan to just buy a block of land in the bush, get myself a caravan, grow my own food and just "be".

starkid wrote:
If they don't meet their deadlines, they may lose their jobs (or be closer to losing their jobs if they perform poorly more than once), and end up homeless without enough to eat. That's close enough to the world ending for some people.
That's the reality of work.

Yeah I feel the same way, but only sometimes so if I did buy a caravan and live on a block of land I think I would miss some people. People are great in small doses, very tiny little doses.

I blinked and cured my brain...nah it's still broken


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07 Dec 2012, 5:45 am

Appleisbetter wrote:
i love the world i just don't like most of the people in it.

Yeah, I don't hate the physical earth, as it would be hard to survive just floating in space. But, yes, the people in this world suck. I don't like them.


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07 Dec 2012, 6:58 am

I hate the world, too many goddamn f*****s in it
To many thoughts about societies all wrapped up together

Everyone has their own goddamn opinion on every damn thing.
And you may be saying, "Well, what makes you so different?
because I have something only me have - SELF AWARENESS
Call it illegible or whatever the f**k u want, we know what we are
to this world and what everyone else is.

God everything is so corrupt and filled with opinions little points of view and peoples own little agendas and schedules.

This isn't a world anymore its H.O.E
Self awareness is a wonderful thing.
I know I will die soon, so you will and everyone else.
Maybe we will be lucky and a comet will smash us back to day 1.

People say it's immoral to follow others, they say be a leader.
well here is a f****n' news flash for you, everyone is a follower!

You're so f*****g special
I wish I was special


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07 Dec 2012, 9:19 am

Got told so, but it was in reaction to bashing a specific person. I always wish I would have told her 'no, it's just you I don't like', but it never comes out at the right time. :P

Double X and proud of it / male pronouns : he, him, his

Pileated woodpecker
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07 Dec 2012, 11:27 am

Same as OP.

The world we live in now is a direct result of the cultural diversity we have, being slowly bred out by the "standard" or average person, being allowed to multiply and have their opinion relegated as common truth.

If you are a fringe group, or different to the norm, you are usually sidelined or allowed a small area to live and spread your ideas, until it threatens the general populace, then you are labelled an anarchist, or a nutjob.

This is the way it will continue, until one of two things:

1) humans invariably destroy themselves, and everyone else. When i say humans, i mean the general populace of ignorance that runs most of the richer areas today. The part thats obsessed with Nike trainers, the latest Lady Gaga CD, and making sure the Car park space infront of their house is free so they can park theyre Subaru / 4x4 in it for the school run later.

2) a large intelligent fringe group creates a utopian society in an abandoned island somewhere, and through ellevated intelligence levels and self sufficiency, creates a spacecraft fuelled by an alternative self refuelling energy source, and leaves plant Earth. The earth is then destroyed by the remainder.
The intelligent lifeforms in the spaceship have already taken samples of most of the animal life on Earth, they fly to a new life bearing planet, wipeout the existing lifeforms on it (meteor strike / comet / whatever) and settle on the new planet. Think Noah and the Ark but spaceships and test tube samples.
Society repopulates, the ship is lost forever in the anals of time, and humans start all over again.
(i really should write a book on that)


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07 Dec 2012, 6:07 pm

Entek wrote:
Same as OP.

The world we live in now is a direct result of the cultural diversity we have, being slowly bred out by the "standard" or average person, being allowed to multiply and have their opinion relegated as common truth.

If you are a fringe group, or different to the norm, you are usually sidelined or allowed a small area to live and spread your ideas, until it threatens the general populace, then you are labelled an anarchist, or a nutjob.

This is the way it will continue, until one of two things:

1) humans invariably destroy themselves, and everyone else. When i say humans, i mean the general populace of ignorance that runs most of the richer areas today. The part thats obsessed with Nike trainers, the latest Lady Gaga CD, and making sure the Car park space infront of their house is free so they can park theyre Subaru / 4x4 in it for the school run later.

2) a large intelligent fringe group creates a utopian society in an abandoned island somewhere, and through ellevated intelligence levels and self sufficiency, creates a spacecraft fuelled by an alternative self refuelling energy source, and leaves plant Earth. The earth is then destroyed by the remainder.
The intelligent lifeforms in the spaceship have already taken samples of most of the animal life on Earth, they fly to a new life bearing planet, wipeout the existing lifeforms on it (meteor strike / comet / whatever) and settle on the new planet. Think Noah and the Ark but spaceships and test tube samples.
Society repopulates, the ship is lost forever in the anals of time, and humans start all over again.
(i really should write a book on that)

I don't think "Intelligent life forms" are so cruel. Wiping out the whole civilization just for the sake of "new generation" is illogical.

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I wish I was special


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07 Dec 2012, 6:39 pm

Not the world, but I do dislike the people living in it. And myself, most of all. But my self-loathing is temporary; it will go away with time (only to be back again, but it does not matter). My dislike for people, on the other hand, is pretty much constant.

DISCLAIMER: It should be noted that, while I strongly suspect I have Asperger's syndrome, I am not diagnosed. Nevertheless, my score on RAADS-R is 186, which makes me a pretty RAAD guy.

Sorry for this terrible joke, by the way.