The eternal question all aspies face at one time or another

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14 Mar 2007, 9:44 pm

You know the question that's always bound to be asked of you in one form or another at a job interview, personal evaluation, or some other similar function...

Why can you do a better job of XXX than another person/anyone else?

How does one even begin to answer such a question?

From my perspective, you're being asked to insult anyone else who might be in competion with you. If I'm applying for a job, I don't even know the "other people" - How can I even make a judgement on that?

I've been asked that question almost everytime I've gone to a job interview and I've never had an answer for it.

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14 Mar 2007, 10:03 pm

Um... what exactly do you mean by XXX?

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14 Mar 2007, 10:09 pm

Just list your best traits for doing X and say, I have this experience and most don't. I have this experience and most don't. When you get to the end, say you have all of those combined experiences and it is highly unlikely that anyone else has that same unique skill set to get X done. Very logical and you aren't speculating because it is very likely that no one has the same exact sill set you have.


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14 Mar 2007, 10:16 pm

Personally, I am so shattered by interviews that I am virtually unable to speak, I get teary/faint. So, I would probably stammer, look at the floor, and say, um, I don't know........

In other words, I'm the wrong person to answer this question. I think this is a poor interview question anyway. Since you're applying does that not then imply that you're good at what you do? What's the correct response anyway? ....because I have superpowers and I'm better, smarter, prettier, richer, etc. than my competitor candidate? Stupid question.

I don't do interviews. Thankfully, I have a job I love so I don't have to...yah! But, good luck. Maybe rehearse your answer beforehand since you know what to expect?

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14 Mar 2007, 10:51 pm

I'd tell them that it is highly unlikely that I am the best person for the job, but that I am very good indeed. If they need the absolute best, well they ought to be hiring a headhunter to search for them, and not just asking for resumes. I don't get many jobs.

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14 Mar 2007, 11:03 pm

Scoots5012 wrote:
You know the question that's always bound to be asked of you in one form or another at a job interview, personal evaluation, or some other similar function...

Why can you do a better job of XXX than another person/anyone else?

How does one even begin to answer such a question?

From my perspective, you're being asked to insult anyone else who might be in competion with you. If I'm applying for a job, I don't even know the "other people" - How can I even make a judgement on that?

I've been asked that question almost everytime I've gone to a job interview and I've never had an answer for it.

Its just a hypothetical question, your obviously supposed to show by what you say your good or superior at, what you feel is what the 'normal/average' person would do. I must admit it would be a tough question for me to answer on the spot, but i would just tell them my strong points, hard worker, lets little get in between work, only satisfied when I know its perfect and reflects my capabilities. Stuff like that, but I would definitely try to prepare beforehand.

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15 Mar 2007, 9:07 am

I list basic skills that I feel would be pertinent to the job at hand (in my case, library work), skills such as good fact-gathering skills, good research capabilities, good general knowledge and a love of books. My general introversion and lack of ability to think quickly "on my feet" have probably contributed to lack of success in interviews, but I do have a job I like that I have been able to perform well.


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15 Mar 2007, 9:09 am

I can't really think of anything off the top of my head that anyone would have asked something like that about. Most of my "special talents" involve remembering stupid details about minor events and being flabbergasted that no one else picked up on them. I'm a misunderstood genious.


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15 Mar 2007, 11:23 am

I think the answer to the question why we do xxx better then anyone else is simple.
When something catches my attention or interest everything else just `disapears` and i can´t get a rest until the job is done.I always want to finish a job quick and neat so i can turn my attention to other things.This lead me to a lot of experience on how i can get a good result in a short time.
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For me this explanation sounds perfect , but i`m not sure if any NT can understand it.

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15 Mar 2007, 5:36 pm

Couldn't it be just that they want to know what is that you see as your strenghts and weaknesses?
Or, maybe, they want to know if you are lying or telling the truth?
Or, also, if you are applying for a job in managerial positions... how are you going to sell yourself to others?

In any case, no offense to others.

Took me some time and many interviews to figure this out...

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15 Mar 2007, 6:22 pm

I have self esteem problems in some areas but have enough job experience to know this much.....

There are a lot of really bad workers out there.They dont have pride in doing a good job,they dont want to learn anything new(no intellectual curiosity),they have an over all poor work ethic....try and get out of doing work and seem proud of it,are late to work,call in sick all the time,spend to much time socializing with co-workers or yacking on their cell phones....

I have plenty of things I am not good at but one thing I do have is a pathological work ethic....I am driven to do my best and would rather work then bosses get their moneys worth even with my short comings.

If you google "interview questions" will will find tons of questions to practice before hand which does help relieve the anxety a little.(though,this ranks as one of my least favorite things to do.I hate most "self help...positive thinking mumbo-jumbo" but this is one situation where you need to do it....You have to believe that you are a good worker or they wont.You can mention aplicable skills but it is just as important if not more so(since they often have to retrain for their particular skills),that ......

I am a good worker,have a good work ethic,always try and do my best to help the company achieve it's goals,whatever job I am doing,I research it,so I can do the best job possible.I want to work here(wont be quiting soon....hiring and training is very expensive),so let them know you like stability.Are you better then the next dont know that and neither do only know how good you are ,so think about that and forget about the other person.Be convinced you are good and they will be.

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15 Mar 2007, 7:34 pm

maldoror wrote:
I'm a misunderstood genius.

Except here! :))

I live my life to prove wrong those who said I couldn't make it in life...

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15 Mar 2007, 11:49 pm

Or, "How would you handle this situation?" i cant really answer that unless it happens, only then will i know what i will do.

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16 Mar 2007, 5:00 am

lab_pet wrote:
Personally, I am so shattered by interviews that I am virtually unable to speak, I get teary/faint. So, I would probably stammer, look at the floor, and say, um, I don't know........

I get all teary as fact all I feel like doing is walking away and going to the movies....anything than being right there right then


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16 Mar 2007, 5:11 am

simplest answer....

I can't... we are all individuals and all find our own way of doing things... but [list your strengths here.]

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