I had some family problems that forced me to "grow up early" when I was about 10. For my early teenage years, I felt like an adult and like my peers were still kids.
When I started college, I started feeling younger than my actual age. Now, at 26, I do believe I am 17-19 in a lot of ways. I definitely feel less "responsible" and less like I want to "start a family" yada yada yada, unlike peers. Doing some spatial reasoning training to help with my severe NVLD has unlocked some new abilities and unleashed a child-like curiosity about the world around me that I never had before, and I feel like there's a lot of self discovery and learning I have been doing since my diagnosis that makes me feel like a kid. Between my autism and homeschooling, I've missed out on a lot of things my peers enjoyed that come with being teenagers and young adults, so I definitely don't feel like becoming grown up or responsible any time soon. I am financially independent and have been so since 18, so I guess I'm above judging.
But, interestingly, I still feel most comfortable around older people (30 + for guys and 28 + for women). I am actually fairly uncomfortable with people more than a few years younger than myself. I enjoy my little sisters (10 and 12), but otherwise, talking to minors is just weird, and I would never do it.