zethra09 wrote:
I know I irritate my girlfriend when I have to ask "what's wrong" all the time, even when nothing is wrong. Granted she has to ask the same thing of me because my facial expression are always inappropriate (inside I'm confused or just thinking but it shows as anger or frustration). At work nobody has any reservations about giving me a hard time, but it's like pulling teeth to get even a tiny complement. Just a simple complement like "good job" makes my day.
At one of my previous jobs at a factory, there was this attitude among the floor management that there is no 'positive', there is only 'neutral' and 'negative'. This meant that, if you did something wrong, you'd get chewed out for it, and pretty harshly, I might add. If you did something right, it would just be normal- which is fair enough, considering that's what you were there for as a factory worker- and the primary reward was the money. BUT if you pulled an exceptional effort, or you saw something the floor management didn't see, some error that slipped in, or if you introduced an improved method of working, it was not rewarded with a compliment, it was just acknowledged (sometimes GRUDGINGLY) and they'd move on. I found that incredibly frustrating. I mean, I was not fishing for compliments, but I had a severe distaste for having to work somewhere where your work was viewed as either negative or neutral, meaning that the only assessment of value you'd ever receive as a worker was 'negative'.
clarity of thought before rashness of action