Webalina wrote:
Jinks wrote:
...I think this phenomenon actually gets to the essence of autism - the word autism means "self-ism", that is, the person is absorbed in their own mind/world and therefore less engaged with the world around them. Severely autistic youngsters are in that little world of their own all of the time, and a lot of effort from parents and carers goes into getting them to come out of it as much as possible.
That's a very good point! I never thought of it like that. It gives me more insight into why I behave like I do. So...we on the milder end of the spectrum aren't as far away from the "classic" autistic people as we'd like to believe.
As far as the amount of time I zone out, when I say "a couple of minutes", that's how long I might be gone before someone calls me out of it. When I'm alone, I might go off for MUCH longer than that and not be aware of it. I know there are times when I'm driving that I'll be so out of it that I won't be aware that the red pickup truck I was following has turned into a yellow moving van.
Rayford wrote:
I think it's necessary for those on the spectrum to have this away time.
Another good point. My current living situation is such that I get almost NO time to myself! Maybe this zoning out of mine is my way of getting my desperately longed-for alone time.
These are the points I was going to make, I have noticed huge simulitys between me and LFA people in our actions when not having to do a preticular task. Makes me wonder what goes on in their minds and if some of these people may be the next Steven Hawking in terms of their abillity to work out stuff in their head over time.
I always zone out whenever my mind and brain is not needed to full capasity, board, tired or get frusterated/anxious. I spend like 80% of my wakeing day zoned out and I miss alot, maybe thats why I forget alot of little stuff and used to walk in front of moving cars and stuff like that. I often have to take written notes at work when given tasks to do to not zone out when I get overwelmed or board, I often have to ask people to repete stuff they already said. Its like my little head world is my default place to live in and the real world is just extra.