Beetzart wrote:
I asked my GP for an Aspergers assessment referral in December. He was no problem but took a few gentle prods to actually get him to do it from his colleagues though. Anyway, I got a letter from him today saying he tried to refer me to The Maudsley Hospital in London but they only accept referrals from Consultant Psychiatrists. So he is writing to a consultant I see for depression. Well I've seen her once a few weeks ago. I mentioned the referral and she said I didn't present like someone autisitc. I tried, frustratingly to explain my symptoms but she kept talking over me by saying 'I'm not arguing with you'. Anyway it's a bit of a struggle, but no one has mentioned the cost.
Has anyone else had issues like this.
There is no cost to you, it is paid for by the NHS (which may be why the GP dilly-dallied!)
The Maudsley
does take referrals from GPs so someone has misinformed you: ... al/?step=1
(look at the drop down menu for clinician type - profession). Start insisting on your rights:
You have the right to have an assessment.
*Truth fears no trial*
DX AS & both daughters on the autistic spectrum