Adam Lanza diagnosed Aspergers, what happens with bad care

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22 Feb 2013, 12:21 am

^ I'm assuming you're referring to every genocide ever, right?

It's not like trying to explain his behavior means we're condoning his actions. If we figure out the why and how, we can work on preventing it in the future.

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22 Feb 2013, 12:47 am

Tyri0n wrote:
He was also on SSRI's, which have been linked to violence by multiple studies and banned in some European countries.

His murder spree may not have had anything to do with "bad care" or Asperger's, for that matter.

SSRIs being involved in most of these mass shooters are a big concern

Am I really a Schizoid? I'm questioning if that's all there is...
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22 Feb 2013, 5:00 am

pezar wrote:
For those who don't want to watch the video, the text version from the Hartford Courant. It automatically plays a video at the top, which you can pause via a button on the lower left of the video. Also, you may get an annoying popup ad for the "Connecticut Home Show". ... full.story

It seems that Nancy Lanza constantly was shuffling Adam in and out of programs and schools, which is about the worst thing you can do to an aspie. He'd get settled, then she'd decide he was doing poorly, and off he'd go somewhere else. It's no wonder he eventually grew to hate her. In addition, she would fly off to various tourist destinations and leave him all alone in the house with TV dinners to eat; she said she wanted to make him independent, but he likely perceived it as being abandoned. She pulled him out of HS and away from his support system. He was too young and immature for college. When she decided that she was gonna move to some strange city with him, it likely set him off.

It seems that every indignation you can inflict on an aspie, she did it. She wasn't mentally ill unlike some of our parents, but she did everything wrong. An American supermarket tabloid claimed that Adam had started worshipping the devil, burning himself with a lighter, and believing that he himself was the personification of evil. I have to admit that similar thoughts about being the personification of evil crossed my mind more than once, and my upbringing was far more stable. The obsession with the Norwegian gunman would fit. I'm sorry, but Nancy largely dug her own grave here, her son was unstable to begin with and she did all this to him, constantly changing everything, and we hate change.

Who is to say his mother wasn't mentally ill/unstable? Not having been assessed for mental illness isn't the same as saying none exists. There seem to be a lot of assumptions made here. Her behaviour certainly sounds narcissistic. At the very least, it could be said that she was not helped to understand his condition by professionals, which is an important part of helping the person with AS. Is it truly her fault if she was ignorant? Maybe she was a simple person who thought she was doing the best for him, without realising that it was actually the opposite. Someone who behaves in that way towards their child surely has some issues somewhere. Perhaps she was also an Aspie and was severely lacking in empathy for him, why would she make such ridiculous decisions if she didn't have some mental issues herself? Perhaps she was even misled or misinformed by someone as to what was best for him. She sounds a confused person, and perhaps she was under immense stress or depressed, to consider leaving him alone while she went on holiday (presumably he was not a young child when she did this?)

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22 Feb 2013, 11:03 am

"Every year 15 million children die of hunger"

"To satisfy the world's sanitation and food requirements would cost only US$13 billion" ... /stats.htm

The Gross National Income of the World is $80.71 Trillion, current prices - 2011
Source: World Bank

All Adam Lanza did was kill twenty children and six adult staff members at an elementary school, but he's "evil" :evil:

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22 Feb 2013, 11:06 am

a. Bad People do Bad Things.
b. Adam Lanza did a Bad Thing.
: : Adam Lanza was a Bad Person.

No love for Hamas, Hezbollah, Iranian Leadership, Islamic Jihad, other Islamic terrorist groups, OR their supporters and sympathizers.


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22 Feb 2013, 11:10 am

Theuniverseman wrote:
All Adam Lanza did was kill twenty children and six adult staff members at an elementary school, but he's "evil" :evil:

What a way to trivialise human life. I thought life was held so cheap to the individual mainly in 3rd world countries. You cannot compare this to corporate or government behaviour, that's a whole other story. I have some sympathy for his treatment in life, however, some people are taking this way too far and trying make excuses or even make it OK what he did. He committed mass murder, that's horrendous. Think of all those 26 lives snuffed out and what individual contributions they may have made to society, he had no right to decide whether they lived or died. One of them could have been a future president who made wonderful changes for the better. Don't forget one of the little boys he murdered was autistic too.

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22 Feb 2013, 12:50 pm

I still beleave he had something else undiagnosed or something, like the personallity disorder his brother said he had. What he did and how did it just does not fit in well with aspergers in my mind, I read one of the detailed articals and as it went on I know I could no longer relate at all to his beheavior. He was a cold blooded killer, take away aspergers and I don't think that fact would change, maybe he would have had more friends and not hated so much however I don't beleave aspergers had any infulence on his choice to take those lives(thats the main issue at hand). Some people are just mentally messed up plain and simple.


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22 Feb 2013, 12:52 pm

That's very NT-like. NT people also like to just judge: he's bad, he's wrong, without looking further what are the causes and what could prevent it. It's a form of security.

Look who's talking. You're judging an entire neurotype.


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22 Feb 2013, 2:34 pm

Was it confirmed that he was on SSRI's?

I think that his mother did feel she was doing what was best for him school-wise. It turned out to be stressful for him most of the time, but were there any better options out there? I guess home schooling would have been much more comfortable for him but maybe she was afraid he would lose all social contact.


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22 Feb 2013, 2:39 pm

So when an autistic person murders somebody, they say it's because they're autistic.

'Kay, got that. So, when a neurotypical person murders somebody, I'll come back and say it was because they're neurotypical.

Gotta watch out for those neurotypicals. They commit more murders than anybody else. Obviously they are getting bad care for their tragic condition. :roll:

Those of you who were abused, mistreated, bullied as children: Why didn't you automatically go and shoot up a school? Let me guess: You decided not to. You believe it's wrong. You don't want to hurt people. At the very least, you don't want to go to prison. Well, that's why most neurotypicals don't go and shoot up schools, either. Being hurt does not mean you are automatically going to hurt others. Receiving inadequate treatment does not mean you are going to turn violent.

And personally, I think it's pretty darn offensive to imply that people who've been hurt or who've gotten inadequate treatment--people like us, in many cases--are helpless to decide not to murder a school full of innocent little kids. Because, you know, we aren't helpless. Being a victim doesn't define us. We have free will and we have compassion. Demonizing people who have been neglected and mistreated is just a way of victimizing them further.

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22 Feb 2013, 3:05 pm

I don't think anyone's saying that, Callista. Sometimes, when people reach their breaking point, they'll lash out. A lot of the time, it ends in suicide, without others in the crossfire. I don't believe a lot of the other mass shooters were depressed, though I could be wrong, but to deny that emotional tumult could ever possibly be a factor in causing a person to commit such inhumane acts seems rather incredulous.

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22 Feb 2013, 3:16 pm

marshall wrote:
I find it upsetting that so many people and the media in general seem disproportionately more disturbed when it's someone obviously "weird" or "not normal" becoming violent vs "normal" becoming violent. The media seemed disproportionately sympathetic towards that soldier who murdered 16 Afghan civilians. :roll:

Well, see, because racism.

That is, other soldiers have also killed people in the US, but the more typical response to them is "dangerous nutcase" and "ticking time bomb."


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22 Feb 2013, 3:20 pm

I'm an autistic on an SSRI who plays violent videogames and I feel no complusion to shoot anyone. Thinking any of those factors could be a root cause of this tragedy is misguided.


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22 Feb 2013, 3:57 pm

Callista wrote:
Those of you who were abused, mistreated, bullied as children: Why didn't you automatically go and shoot up a school? Let me guess: You decided not to. You believe it's wrong. You don't want to hurt people. At the very least, you don't want to go to prison. Well, that's why most neurotypicals don't go and shoot up schools, either. Being hurt does not mean you are automatically going to hurt others. Receiving inadequate treatment does not mean you are going to turn violent.

In the immortal words of Albus Dumbledore"It is our choices, that make us what we truly are, far more than our abilities".


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22 Feb 2013, 4:45 pm

ProvokesThinking wrote:
I just found this video:

Well, it seems like it's official that he was actually diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome and he seems to have had a very severe form, as I am myself autistic I can actually understand the trouble he has been in, although his decisions were wrong.

I will tell in short the most important information about him given in the video:

He was apparently diagnosed with a reflex disorder, which means that his reactions at impulses weren't normal, for instance he couldn't stand being touched at a young age. This is similar to my severely autistic family member who can't be touched, but Adam seems to have had it at a young age. At a later age in middle school he was diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome. He was known as a brilliant kid, he taught himself Mandarin Chinese and did other complicated things, he wasn't very good at making contact though. According to the journalists, what is one of the factors which could be most responsable for the tragedy is change. Because Adam couldn't stand change and he changed from school to school, while that wasn't good for him. Besides, when he went to university his good health care fell away and he didn't get any good care anymore, which could have lead downwards.

I actually think that if better care was given and a more stable environment for him, this wouldn't have happened in the first place.

Sounds like Obama-care to me.

Did you know that technologically. Americas health care is the best in the world, But financially, It's the worst in the world. It's even worst then that of third world countries.


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22 Feb 2013, 4:55 pm

LupaLuna wrote:

Sounds like Obama-care to me.

Did you know that technologically. Americas health care is the best in the world, But financially, It's the worst in the world. It's even worst then that of third world countries.

Which is why we need a public single payer option and "health insurance" needs to be much more strictly regulated. The only problem with the Affordable Care Act is that it doesn't go far enough.

Last edited by Verdandi on 23 Feb 2013, 4:12 am, edited 1 time in total.