I've not been able to find articles.
So, I'm speaking/writing from my experience only.
I was put on Zoloft for panic attacks in '06. Immediately I started it for months I had daily panic attacks and my stomach was very upset. My body did adapt to it though and the side-effects stopped. I experienced less panic attacks, but when I did have a panic attack it was very strong. So, in '08, I came off it. I tapered like my doctor said I should. I experienced many effects from stopping the medication. I always felt like I had a cold, tiredness, was hot and cold, body pains, heady and feeling faint and nauseous, very strong emotions. I thought the symptoms I was experiencing was due to a family crisis we were having and I wasn't coping well with. The crisis ended and I still had symptoms. I saw my doctor and he said I had fibromyaliga and said antidepressants at low dosage helped with it, so reluctantly in '10 I went back on. The symptoms stopped.
Last year I came off the anti-depressants again, by tapering again, and am experiencing much the same symptoms. I have done some research and now believe I'm experiencing SSRI discontinuation/withdrawal syndrome, and that I do not have fibromyalgia at all. This time the symptoms are stronger and more of them - chest pains and upset stomach too. It is a year since I came off the antidepressant and I've only had slight improvement in symtpoms. I'm not going back on any psych meds and am allowing my body to heal naturally. Serotonin does many things in the body and the meds mess up these systems. I know other people who have came off anti-depressants with no problems at all, other people who have found the meds helpful, other people who have experienced similar to what I am experiencing now, so it varies person to person.