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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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15 Mar 2013, 6:22 am

I have spent years thinking about what the issue with the indviduals who come to this site is and I have come to believe that this is not a very good site for indviduals with aspegers as it's not reflective of those who actually have the disorder, some on this site do, but I believe a large portion do not. Below are my findings.

Social: Repeated difficulties,fallouts and failures in personal,family and work realationships and interactions including multiple settings. As result exhibits subtle agressive behavior when interacting with others expecting rejection,criticism or misunderstanding. Shows little interest in interacting with others and demonstrates this through body behavior therefore appearing akward or physically stressed; also as result is perceived as unfriendly and therefore other's reciprocate accordingly. Often displays arrogant behavior believing those around them are inferior intellectually, culturally or personally. Also is highly critical and unforgiving of mistakes. Elicting further negative responses. Indvidual's subtle and intentional behavior often elicts negative responses from others yet the indvidual sees this as a confirmation that the other person ni the interaction or people are prone to dislike because of a perceived intrinstic inability to socalize. This set of voluntary behaviors creates a continuing cycle that repeats itself regardless of setting or social environment .

Low wage, unskilled labor. If a college graduate often unemployed or working in lower middle class positon. Expresses frustation over status, wage and lack of opportunity. Indvidual who works in the unskilled labor market most often chose to neglect college or performed poorly. Those who did graduate may often end up working lower middle-class job and complain about a history of poor work performance, issues with authority and complaints with co-worker. Indvidual places excessive emphasis on the skills required of their position, displays scorn and crticism towards other employees who makes mistakes and sees his ability to perform a core function of a job as indication others are wrong and sees the follies of those around them as indication of their incompetence and his unrecognized intelligence along with peceived bias because of negative social interactions. Despite indvidual's poor work performance and insistence on being skilled, they fail to receive promotions, create their own economic opportunity or ascend to preferred positions.


Highly self-aware. May display executive functioning diffculties. Few friends, strained relations with family. May have history of altercations in social,family,school and work settings. May have believed themselves to have previous pyschlogical disorders, strongly believed it, dismissed it and moved on to a new diagnosis. Shows isolation and alienation, often spends time alone yet complains of social interactions with others and demonstrates regret and attempt to correct behavior. Indvidual professes aspegers disorder yet demonstrates interest in social interaction and making friends but as result of failure is isolated/alienated.

May complain of minor physical problems or may mention physical problems which have not been examined by a medical doctor. Although this varies, individual may test for Aspegers, selectively look at traits they have in common or amplify the evidience of similar traits. Will seek diagnosis opposed to seeing a doctor to understand symptoms or problems they may be having. Often diagnosis is negative, will see other pyschlogists who simlarly do not diagnose. Despite lack of evidence or diagnosis by a licensed and educated, indvidual ignores personal issues and may diagnose themselves.

Last edited by nokia8721 on 16 Mar 2013, 3:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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15 Mar 2013, 10:09 am

Not sure how much room I have to talk as I am myself not diagnosed, but are you aware Asperger's is a spectrum disorder? And I don't much consider it a disorder, though I do notice I'm treated differently than people treat others.

Sea Gull
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15 Mar 2013, 11:57 am

Not "officially" diagnosed...but I can relate to most of what you hav wrote except my perceived arrogance and distance from people is due to my overly formal use of language and my fear of being abused yet once again. Funny thing is: I've met a couple of people with an actual diagnosis, and they both said my issues were far more severe than theirs. They are far younger than myself and grew up at a time and in a geographical area where these kinds of things are recognized, acknowledged, and some understanding and patience was extended towards them. For me, adults demanded I act right and I was punished for having trouble with math, for having sensory issues, for having angry outbursts when I was overwhelmed/on sensory overload, etc. As a result I fake normal when I hav to and for as long as I can before I need to run out of there and hideout to recover.

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15 Mar 2013, 12:13 pm

nokia8721 wrote:
I have spent years thinking about what the issue with the indviduals who come to this site is and I have come to believe that this is not a very good site for indviduals with aspegers as it's not reflective of those who actually have the disorder, some on this site do, but I believe a large portion do not. Below are my findings.

Social: Repeated difficulties,fallouts and failures in personal,family and work realationships and interactions including multiple settings. As result exhibits subtle agressive behavior when interacting with others expecting rejection,criticism or misunderstanding. Shows little interest in interacting with others and demonstrates this through body behavior therefore appearing akward or physically stressed; also as result is perceived as unfriendly and therefore other's reciprocate accordingly. Often displays arrogant behavior believing those around them are inferior intellectually, culturally or personally. Also is highly critical and unforgiving of mistakes. Elicting further negative responses. Indvidual's subtle and intentional behavior often elicts negative responses from others yet the indvidual sees this as a confirmation that the other person ni the interaction or people are prone to hating them. This set of behaviors create a continuing cycle that repeats itself regardless of setting or social environment .

Low wage, unskilled labor. If a college graduate often unemployed or working in lower middle class positon. Expresses frustation over status, wage and lack of opportunity. Indvidual who works in the unskilled labor market most often chose to neglect college or performed poorly. Those who did graduate may often end up working lower middle-class job and complain about a history of poor work performance, issues with authority and complaints with co-worker. Indvidual places excessive emphasis on the skills required of their position, displays scorn and crticism towards other employees who makes mistakes and sees his ability to perform a core function of a job as indication others are wrong and sees the follies of those around them as indication of their incompetence and his unrecognized intelligence along with peceived bias because of negative social interactions. Despite indvidual's poor work performance and insistence on being skilled, they fail to receive promotions, create their own economic opportunity or ascend to preferred positions.


Highly self-aware. May display executive functioning diffculties. Few friends, strained relations with family. May have history of altercations in social,family,school and work settings. May have believed themselves to have previous pyschlogical disorders, strongly believed it, dismissed it and moved on to a new diagnosis. Shows isolation and alienation, often spends time alone yet complains of social interactions with others and demonstrates regret and attempt to correct behavior. Indvidual professes aspegers disorder yet demonstrates interest in social interaction and making friends but as result of failure is isolated/alienated.

May complain of minor physical problems or may mention physical problems which have not been examined by a medical doctor. Although this varies, individual may test for Aspegers, selectively look at traits they have in common or amplify the evidience of similar traits. Will seek diagnosis opposed to seeing a doctor to understand symptoms or problems they may be having. Often diagnosis is negative, will see other pyschlogists who simlarly do not diagnose. Despite lack of evidence or diagnosis by a licensed and educated, indvidual ignores personal issues and may diagnose themselves.

Wow, dude, you are brave!
Prepare for strong resistance to your ideas.
I wish you all the best.

Blue Jay
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15 Mar 2013, 1:09 pm

To summarize, You feel that most people who visit this site are:
Passive aggressive, insecure, arrogant, introvert, underachieving, bitter, hypochondriac, nerds with a touch of ADHD (just a touch.) Troll much?

Welcome to the site, I'm glad you decided to finally post after years of lurking.

A hexagonal peg can go in a round hole or a square hole, but it never really fits.

Sea Gull
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15 Mar 2013, 2:04 pm

It's not my place to judge whether people here actually have AS, and I don't actually know whether I do either. In whatever case, I see plenty of genuinely decent discussion and support for people here regardless of what they have, and I think that is more important.

Power corrupts. Knowledge is power. Study hard. Be evil.

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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15 Mar 2013, 3:00 pm

Not "officially" diagnosed...but I can relate to most of what you hav wrote except my perceived arrogance and distance from people is due to my overly formal use of language and my fear of being abused yet once again. Funny thing is: I've met a couple of people with an actual diagnosis, and they both said my issues were far more severe than theirs. They are far younger than myself and grew up at a time and in a geographical area where these kinds of things are recognized, acknowledged, and some understanding and patience was extended towards them. For me, adults demanded I act right and I was punished for having trouble with math, for having sensory issues, for having angry outbursts when I was overwhelmed/on sensory overload, etc. As a result I fake normal when I hav to and for as long as I can before I need to run out of there and hideout to recover.

Aspie: 166/200
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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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16 Mar 2013, 3:18 pm

It's not a professional diagnosis just an observation of a pattern of behavior and personality I have seen alot of people on this site display. It's not intended for those on the spectrum but those who falsely believe they're on the spectrum. First some of those indviduals complain about medical probems, nerve discomfort,difficulty thinking clearly, poor memory, et cetra. The first step is not to presume a pyschlogical disorder but to see a doctor and get blood tests as well as a sleep study.

Also those indviduals would be better off seeing a pyschlogist without a narrative if they have ASD and discuss their difficulties in order to overcome them. 2.5 years ago I went to this site and because I studied aspergers and those who had it it, I made myself believe I had it and my behavior changed accordingly. One of the reasons is that I worked with incredibly stupid people and people I had no interest in socailizing with so I was akward,avoidant,et cetera. Anyway eventually I changed my life and now I am in college, I write for the newspaper, I'm in the investment club, I've made friends from around the world, conducted a research project with professors and students about building mounted wind turbines and now am in the process of discussing receiving funding for a business I've started.

The point is you may not have ASD and that belief will be damaging and the consquences you believe it causes will be self-fulfilling. The difficulties from such a person most likely arises from possibly health problems(sleep disorder), indvidual problems and their local enviornment.

Also alot of people complain about not liking authority, well that's not such a bad thing. It only seems like a disorder when your in a work enviorment where your in a subordinate position or in a certain class(unskilled labor) where your expected to be obedient. In my previous work environment that attiude/tendecy got me in alot of trouble and caused alot of stress but now that exact same tendecy allows me to start projects and form teams with other people and is expected. A subordinate attiude at this juncture would be harmful. Another thing is that I am a little weird, I have my own intellectual understanding of the world, I'm different from most indviduals but what I have done is fully embraced that opposed to "accepting it" and found a way do things my own way and make them work. The process is irrelevant, it's the results that matter.

Even if your on a specturm, labelling yourself as less or different is damaging, your brain simply works different. There are plenty of indviduals who have aspergers that have successful lives and I think instead of seeing your difference as a disorder, if you don't accept but fully embrace it and allow who you are to be expressed and seize your strengths, you'll be able to do alot and depending on your intelligence, things other people can't do.

Last edited by nokia8721 on 16 Mar 2013, 3:49 pm, edited 4 times in total.

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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16 Mar 2013, 3:37 pm

well, OP, i am professionally diagnosed with high functioning asperger's syndrome, and with a second opinion to be sure, and my response to you is a resounding, "MEH".

i'm not passive-aggressive, nor a hypochondriac, have no inordinate attention deficits, i've no unjustified oppositional behavior issues or much of what else you mention.

if people want to come to wrongplanet's forums to get opinions from others in order to see if they have valid considerations about the possibility of them having aspergers or another type of mental condition, what harm is it really? it may, as it helped me, to give a person confidence to walk into their doctor's office and ask for a referral to a psychologist.

i would think that if one thinks the conversations others are having on a given discussion forum are unhealthy or untoward in some way, that one would either try to make healthy conversation, or seek other discussion forums they find more congruous with their own ideals.

remember, the light at the end of the tunnel may be you.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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16 Mar 2013, 3:40 pm

It's not intended for people who have a disorder. Read my previous entry.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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16 Mar 2013, 3:42 pm

nokia8721 wrote:
2.5 years ago I went to this site and because I studied aspergers and those who had it it, I made myself believe I had it and my behavior changed accordingly.

So do you have it or not then? Because your profile says you are diagnosed AS, and you joined and created that profile yesterday.

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16 Mar 2013, 3:45 pm

Enjoy the ban.


Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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16 Mar 2013, 4:38 pm

OP, what you are saying and what you say you are not saying are not indicated in the response indicating that your previous statement was not indicative of.

in other words, you would be doing much better to bark up another tree, so to speak.

also, when citing that others you work with or encounter are "stupid", it might serve you well to use correct grammatical rules. (ie, "your" and "you're")...... and please remember, while you are contradicting yourself, forum users such as myself and others are not stupid, we've just got asperger's.


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16 Mar 2013, 4:52 pm

The diagnostic criteria for AS are currently:

(I) Qualitative impairment in social interaction, as manifested by at least two of the following:

(A) marked impairments in the use of multiple nonverbal behaviors such as eye-to-eye gaze, facial expression, body posture, and gestures to regulate social interaction
(B) failure to develop peer relationships appropriate to developmental level
(C) a lack of spontaneous seeking to share enjoyment, interest or achievements with other people, (e.g.. by a lack of showing, bringing, or pointing out objects of interest to other people)
(D) lack of social or emotional reciprocity

(II) Restricted repetitive & stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests and activities, as manifested by at least one of the following:

(A) encompassing preoccupation with one or more stereotyped and restricted patterns of interest that is abnormal either in intensity or focus
(B) apparently inflexible adherence to specific, nonfunctional routines or rituals
(C) stereotyped and repetitive motor mannerisms (e.g. hand or finger flapping or twisting, or complex whole-body movements)
(D) persistent preoccupation with parts of objects

(III) The disturbance causes clinically significant impairments in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.

(IV) There is no clinically significant general delay in language (E.G. single words used by age 2 years, communicative phrases used by age 3 years)

(V) There is no clinically significant delay in cognitive development or in the development of age-appropriate self help skills, adaptive behavior (other than in social interaction) and curiosity about the environment in childhood.

(VI) Criteria are not met for another specific Pervasive Developmental Disorder or Schizophrenia.

...and nothing else. If someone is feeling like an outsider or has a "quirky" personality - that means nothing.

"It is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring" (Carl Sagan)

Pileated woodpecker
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17 Mar 2013, 3:18 am

MaKin wrote:
OP, what you are saying and what you say you are not saying are not indicated in the response indicating that your previous statement was not indicative of.

in other words, you would be doing much better to bark up another tree, so to speak.

also, when citing that others you work with or encounter are "stupid", it might serve you well to use correct grammatical rules. (ie, "your" and "you're")...... and please remember, while you are contradicting yourself, forum users such as myself and others are not stupid, we've just got asperger's.

Totally agree with you MaKin.