Into some of it, ie I like cars/machinery, played some fastpitch softball but otherwise all the sports I do are more individual vs team, I've been keeping fit lately but I can't be bothered to build a certain body type because its more masculine or macho or any of that bs. I don't follow any professional sports at all, just don't care for it. And more and more these days if I want to do something I care less and less what anyone else thinks about it or whether its age/gender appropriate. I don't have childish or feminine hobbies, but I wouldn't not do something because its not considered manly. I've also never really had anyone try to impose their typical guy stuff on me, either. I have enough in common with enough people for it not to be a problem.
Besides, so much of that macho manly crap is all just for show and keeping up appearances, anyways. One of the biggest "guy's guy" guys I know can be hypercompetitive macho etc, but one on one is a lot more sensitive and understanding vs being some gym rat bro sterotype. It seems a lot of this macho stuff is all just ritualistic social pecking order crap I can't be bothered to spend my time on - I just don't care, annnnd I'm ok with being different and having different interests. 

for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.