What happens when getting tested for Aspergers?Do I have it?
Well I think I may have Aspergers (after taking so many different online test and gathering up a lot of information). I have A LOT of the symptoms, other than being super smart in school,(I don't try to apply myself and school doesn't interest me.)
I don't get when my routine is interrupted, well I don't really have a routine I'm not well organized.
I understand a lot of sarcasm since I grew up around it, when I was younger I took some sarcastic things literal.
I take EVERYTHING literally when it doesn't come to a sarcastic joke. When I don't understand something someone says I start analyzing and over thinking about what they say when it comes to serious discussions. I don't like phrases like: "sort of" "kind of" when it comes to explaining something important. Basically I don't like phrases that doesn't tell me directly what something is, if that makes since... There are times when people use those phrases when I don't get upset as well. It's hard for me to explain, I cant think of a good example.
I have poor social skills and I have always been awkward or an outcast.
I have weird facial expressions or gestures. I dont really know what to do with my body.
I can talk for HOURS about something that interests me.
I can be VERY blunt, though I'm getting better at catching myself before hurting someone too badly.
When someone says a fact about something that I know is wrong, I want to correct them so badly.
Certain noises bother me and make me go crazy and want to cry or curl up in a corner. (High pitched noises like someone scraping their plate, loud eating, kissing) The older I get the more those noises bother me.
I can easily become obsessed with certain things. When I was younger it was cats, now its clothes.
I'm a VERY picky eater. I always have been. I'm not a fan of trying new things that don't contain the things I already always eat. My parents had to make extra stops to different places when it came to getting fast food on road trips because I refused to eat anything else.
I have different OCDs (I don't know if I worded that right)
I can tell when people are upset, sad, or uninterested. I have never had that problem.
I was never popular and always with the kids who weren't super popular.
I have been bullied.
I have great people skills at directing other people and telling them what to do when it comes to their problems. When it comes to mine I have NO IDEA what to do! I'm extremely awkward and want to leave any place where I have to talk to people ASAP.
When reading about females having aspergers I noticed it said something about female aspies copying things they see from watching TV, I did that a lot and still do that, not purposely. But I tend to take after a confidant female character in my mind from shows I watch or books.
I was and still am OBSESSED with virtual world games, since I was 8. I liked the fact that I could live in another world and be who I want not having to worry about real life.
I don't think I have a talent, other than having an interesting eye for fashion. A lot of the things I got made fun of for wearing when I was a kid, I loved wearing interesting bold patterns and mix-matched things. Its kind of funny because over the years that's what fashion has turned to. I was always obsessed with makeovers. I could look at people and automatically start thinking about their potential and how I can make them look better.
I love to gather A LOT of information about any subject that interests me. I research like crazy. It could be ANYTHING.
In middle school I was good at science and really enjoyed science class.
I'm bad at math, but I think it's because I don't try hard enough. But I'm good at remembering numbers.
I am the type that doesn't follow what the rest of my peers do, but rather do what I want to do.
I walk on my tip toes... ALL OF THE TIME. I like wearing high heels, maybe that could be a reason why I find them easy to talk in.
I hate to be touched. I am very sensitive when people touch me. I hate it more as I get older.
I have a hard time showing emotions. Like I care about people but I dont care at the same time. I don't know how to handle certain emotions or what to feel at times.
I also try avoiding making eye contact with others.
People tell me to smile a lot or ask me what's wrong when they look at my face... though, 99.9 percent of the time I'm perfectly fine.
I noticed all of the symptoms get worse as I get older.
Well my mom thinks that I may have it too. She says she'll take me to get tested, but like, She's worried that the place she will take me too may try to falsely diagnosis me for something else, then try to get me to take medication I don't need. (My mom worries a lot.)
I think it'd be nice to know, when we do go see a doctor, what to expect.
All I can say is WOW. It is always best to see a doctor and have him perform tests, however, I would print this off and show it to them. I find it hard in recent times to articulate my life and how I have perceived the World growing up but you have ripped out the story of my life pretty much.
I was diagnosed aspergers as a child when I was temporarily sent to a home for problematic children. I have recently cut all gluten and dairy out of my diet, and don't eat fast food or processed ready made food. I take vitamin b complex omega 3 and magnesium, iron, and multi-vitamins. I was on an anti depressant but am now trying st johns wort and am seeking help from a lady that deals with autistic people because 'the matrix' cant seem to help me where i am.
Think about if you are happy and content with your life and if not, keep following this through. I wish you all the love, respect, and best wishes from someone that can truly relate to so many of your demons.
It is me! Thanks
I have 3-4 people I talk to on and off. One out of those 3-4 I tall to the most.
I only have one real best friend, that's my boyfriend that has gotten a little upset when I'm into playing a game (toontown online) or if I don't makw eye contact.
I stay in the house A LOT. I do enjoy getting out when the weather is right.
I'm in the same situation, and essentially the same symptoms. I recently started off seeing a therapist because life has been hard to cope with as of late and I brought up my suspicion, but she said I was functioning too well and wanted to put me on anti-depressants and her initial diagnosis was anxiety and social phobias. She said she wasn't qualified to give a diagnosis for Aspergers, and that I could see a specialist and they would run a battery of tests down the line if I was interested. Different health professionals are different though, my friend was diagnosed with Aspergers almost instantly because of how she walked and her overall body language.
If you feel you don't receive much help from visiting a professional I'd suggest "Solutions for Adults with Asperger's Syndrome" as an interesting read. John Elder Robison has a few books as well, "Be Different" is pretty nice. Aside from school, most of my problems came about from work, getting complaints of being too cold and distant, not making facial expressions, lack of multi-tasking, etc. For the most part, watching documentaries on body language helped with some practice, I still get some situations wrong. Multi-tasking was difficult, but playing a healer in online games taught me how to "triage" and I applied that to my work tasks. I call it finding my "eureka moment", where I can apply one skill to something else that might be entirely unrelated.

Joined: 11 Mar 2013
Age: 45
Gender: Male
Posts: 2,674
Location: Dunking jammy dodgers
Didn't know this could be an aspie trait but it perfectly describes me. I have been made manager in my last 2 companies and both times I spent all my day focussing on those with problems trying to help out and offer advice (mostly personal problems, not work related) while completely ignoring my own work. Also been looking into volunteer work recently to offer help to people.
I think you should also take an online Aspergers quiz
Print that out and show your doctor too.
Probably better to get tested that to keep wondering if you have it all the time.
That kind of thing can takes its toll on your psyche.
No one matches up to the criteria 100%.
A lot of us have certain traits that go against those that are the most common.
I also don't have a determinable routine and I need one. I think most of us adhere to a set routine to avoid chaos and disorder.
I'm very disorderly right now. But even that disorder probably has a pattern and certainly has boundaries.
I found a local doctor through the national autism association.
If you dont trust the place you treatment from now- you might try to a specialist from outside.
The real test is not cheap, but its usually worth it to get it if you're even suspecting that you're an aspie.
The tests (the real official diagnostic test) consists of a battery of tests and interviews.
The doc gave a series of aptitude type tests on paper, verbal questions, and interviews.
They also interview people who have known you a long time- like your parents. Neither of my parents are available at my age- but you have your parents to recall your early life behavior.
Its takes a couple days.
The doctor shows your results to a commitee.
And then gives you their verdict-aspie or not.
Either way its an interesting experience. And the thick report you get is an exhaustive run-down of your strengths and weaknesses and aptitudes. A good thing to have whether you're shown to be an aspie or not.