Sethno, I carefully read your post. You have encountered an incompetent practitioner. I am sorry you were hurt and taken advatange's not your fault, at all. From my all to real experience(s), people tend to place far, far too much importance onto any given practitioner; as if s/he should have some special knowledge of insight into AS - you will, I promise, be badly disappointed.
In just a few months I'll have my PhD (sort-of related field). Anyway, just like you, I've had some horrific (no, scary) close encounters with such practitioners. Remember, you owe him NOTHING (OK, except you are out some money to pay the guy). You need not justify yourself or explain. If I can add, if you (or anybody else) should encountered such an individual, simply pick up your coat and bag and walk out the door. Do not waste your time/effort/money on him. Ever.
To be really frank (& apologies if this is hard to read - we are all adults here though), I encountered a practitioner (PhD) who had the audacity to show up to my appointments under the influence of alcohol/illicit drug. He telephoned me pat 9pm, drunk, and told me he was (quote) "lonely." He masturbated in my presence at a session.
At that point, my safey was in jeopardy. Trust shattered. I had spent so much time, in tears, trying to teach this man. Please don't waste your time 'teaching' these people - just walk away. Feel free to report him, if you wish, but I can also tell you this mostly goes nowhere.
Just pick yourself up and start over. Best of luck.
The ones who say “You can’t” and “You won’t” are probably the ones scared that you will. - Unknown