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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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05 Apr 2013, 3:37 pm

recently spent some time with a guy who i thought liked me but didnt and just used me - people and relationships are so confusing!! ! any one else ever feel like this? do autistic people get on better in a relationship - i have no idea. I would love to meet an autistic guy from bournemouth - i just want a friend someone who will try to understand me and not just use me. I spend sooo much time on my own - sometimes i like this as its not as confusing as people are but at other times i just wish i had one person in the world who would spend time with me - say it how it is - get to really know me and not use me any one else ever feel like this????


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05 Apr 2013, 5:05 pm


We met and became friends--it was the perfect setting for an aspie--a remote island with very little other human company, so comfortable. We talked for hours about everything. Four years later we got together as boyfriend/girlfriend. Four years after that, we got married and we have been married for more than a quarter century. She is my best friend and I am just as passionate about her today as I was thirty years ago.

Keep hoping and looking for someone who cares! It can and does happen.


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05 Apr 2013, 5:18 pm

It's not any easier with someone with an ASD. I was briefly involved with someone with an ASD (and who lived some distance away although I met him in person a few times) and it just came to crashing end because I was not online to talk to him and he convinced himself I was dating/having sex with someone else and that is why I hadn't been answering his messages.

The truth...I have been having sleep problems and my sleep schedule has been funny so we have not been online at the same time. Looking at my skype status tells a person nothing as I often forget to change it or nod off with my computer on. I am also not always at my pc. In this instance I had had a brief nap and had woken up and decided to watch a few episodes of the big bang.

When I did get back to my computer I found "you are obviously seeing someone else yadda yadda goodbye".


I am getting of people (regardless of their neurology) accusing me of things I am not doing.

So I have problems with my sleep the world needs to learn to accept it and get over it. It means I can't have a routine right now, my sleep won't stablise into any kind of pattern. I am also constantly sleepy with patches where my sleepiness worsens on and off whilst I am trying to stay awake. I don't even have much of a circadian rhythm left anymore...i have been trying to regulate it for over 2 years and have failed. Then there is the problem with my finding socialising exhausting so have to have the energy for it in the first place.

My housework isn't even getting done due to my sleep issues and my drs are useless...they give me pills that make my eds worse and I can function even less.

My conclusion, whilst my sleep is as it is I can't have any kind of social contact with people.

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05 Apr 2013, 6:13 pm

bumble wrote:
So I have problems with my sleep the world needs to learn to accept it and get over it. It means I can't have a routine right now, my sleep won't stablise into any kind of pattern. I am also constantly sleepy with patches where my sleepiness worsens on and off whilst I am trying to stay awake. I don't even have much of a circadian rhythm left anymore...i have been trying to regulate it for over 2 years and have failed. Then there is the problem with my finding socialising exhausting so have to have the energy for it in the first place.

I find that melatonin helps quite a bit with sleep. I tend to suffer from the Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome issue, which means that I keep getting sleepy later and later until I have gone right round the clock if I am not careful. Currently I am taking 2.5 mgs of Melatonin, three Valerian capsules, and two Passion flower capsules before bed. I find that although my sleep gets interrupted easily, I can generally get a pretty decent nights sleep on these three things. I tried prescription meds but I am very sensitive to most medications and they just made things much worse in the end.
[quote="bumble"My conclusion, whilst my sleep is as it is I can't have any kind of social contact with people.[/quote]
There are times when I have had to make appointments and social arrangements for late afternoon and early evening because of having to sleep so late in the day. :(

Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.
-- Dr. Dale Turner