Endersdragon wrote:
Yeah but also many of us never get diagnoised professionally when were younger and whats the point when your older.
As has been said, 'closure'.
There is no real practical value - that I can see - to being officially diagnosed at this age. As I read I see there is no 'cure' - and I am also aware that many who are or consider themselves Aspies do not want a cure, because they feel it is not any disorder at all needing a 'cure'; they only want to be able to navigate better through life - if I am understanding correctly.
In my case, it's more like looking back on life, reading about Asperger's, reading accounts of others, putting things together, "So that's what it was..." It just all makes sense. All the confusions and complications make sense, the holes in the puzzle are filled when the autistic influence is considered.
Well... now what? Move on with life and enjoy as much as possible - whether one is Aspie or NT or something yet to be discovered.
Think so?