Kafke wrote:
Yup, I like ASMR. Great stuff. I always get it when people whisper in my ear, which unfortunately doesn't happen as often now that I'm older. There's some neat videos on youtube that have panning whispers, which trigger it.
Its the strangest thing, for me. So many people seem to be triggered by whispering. For me, I only get Misophonia from whispering, to the point I have to run away. Whispering makes my ears and my entire head itch, in fact from thinking about whispering I'm getting a sympathetic itch down my neck as I type this (scratches....).
Eg. on the youtube videos, I cannot stand TheHazySea or TheWaterWhispers (same woman), makes everything on my head itch.
But low spoken vocals, eg. GentleWhispering (who does not whisper!) or ASMRRequests, work powerful ASMR magic upon me.