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11 Nov 2012, 6:02 am

and maybe this article can help to understand how some of the neanderthal gene mix could exist in modern south africa… ... th-africa/

and this… ... erGene.htm


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12 Nov 2012, 12:53 am

aspi-rant wrote:
maybe he knows something interesting:


That's covering what I just posted. I'm still correct in everything I've said and there's still no proof. It's still a stretch upon a stretch upon a stretch upon a stretch upon a stretch.

Now listening to it, some of it is good and some of it is bad. We cannot "determine" the whole human genome "in an hour." At best, you can sequence it somewhere in the range of 50x over in a day (which is necessary so that there's some semblance of accuracy over 3.2 billion base pairs. And, that's at the end of 2012.

Again, this comes back to what I've been saying from the start. Everything is done comparatively. The problem is the conclusion made. It is an a priori postulation. They start with the basis of "What do we need to work toward the idea we have that there was interbreeding between humans and neanderthals?" Ok, we need to see a tendency to have similarities, over the rest of peoples in the world and they then go with that.

But, that's why the postulation is not proof. Correlation is NOT causation. The entirety of what is debated is statistical correlation. LITERALLY. X human DNA against Y neanderthal DNA. So, while it is possible, that the correlation is because of that, there's no proof anywhere of that causing it. Therefore, until that, you're left with postulation trailing you away from the fact that there's no proof anywhere. And, I've posted all the PROVEN causation shown in convergent evolution, which is one of many examples going against it. Believe me, I'd love to see ONE expressed gene that had been formed in Neanderthals after diverging from us, being shown in Europeans so we could just end the debate, but it's never been found. Not once.

Now, going further with the Neanderthal vs Denisovan similarities and the individual islands showing that, I have to take a closer look, as there are some serious weird things that go on when you have island isolationism, causing characteristics to take hold for a long time, which may or may not disprove the large geographic region he is mentioning. After all, all you need is ONE person to randomly wander off into Siberia, and the entire theory is shot. Why? Because the population sample is one person. It's too damn low to come to anything resembling a conclusion, let alone proof. I'd like to see the difference in bases to see if the same thing was present - adaption versus mixing. But, there's been new research since 2011 (per the stats I had earlier) making the Denosivians be likely an earlier branch prior to the Neanderthal/Human break: ... e-2-fusion

Ok, so I hope this helps.

P.S. Sure, the kids could be of mixed race. But, the odds are pretty damn low for that, being combined with having autism. Again, it's if this, and this, and this, and this, and this , and this, and this, and this, and this, and this, and this.... then it's true. Ok, sure, right. I do go with Occum's Razor, and it's not holding up to that test, as well.


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12 Nov 2012, 3:16 am

jared34 wrote:
I'm sure most people here have heard the neanderthal theory of autism before. I first learned about it last year but I only focused on the mental part it. But then I recently read something about neanderthal physical characteristics and I seem to have a lot of them. I have an occipital bun, I have a receding chin, a protruding mouth, I'm short, I have small bones, I have a consistently body temperature, brow ridge, and low blood pressure and low heart rate. These are all rare traits among modern humans and supposedly common in neanderthals. Oh and not to mention I'm very autistic and I have ADD. So basically all the similarities that neanderthals have with autistics I also have, along with many physical characteristics.

So am I pretty much a different species ? A neanderthal to be specific. It would make perfect sense if I was.

After looking into it some - I don't give it much credence. There are Asperger's of African decent - yet Neanderthal genes seem almost totally absent from people of African decent. Further, we now have about a dozen genes known to be in some way tied to Asperger's and these genes do not seem to be of Neanderthal origin. I have been working on a theory of where and how Asperger's arose in modern man. I have not gotten is completely worked out = but as long as you understand that this is still a work in progress - go ahead and have a read

Some speculation about the history of Autism and Asperger's.

A few years ago I read and article that discussed the rise of early man. This article pointed out that modern humans have existed in the world for somewhere between 210,000 and 250,000 years. For all this time there have been people in the world that looked just like us! But for the first 140,00 to 180,000 years our ancestors did not act like us at all. They invented no new tools or weapons they did not make art – and most telling – they made no effort to expand their range. During this first period of “modern human” existence we left behind only primitive tools essentially just like our predecessors tools – we lived only in part of Africa. During this entire time we could only have been considered minimally successful as a species – we hung on and survived but unlike Homo erectus or Neanderthal we were not spreading out. Then for no reason that can be found in the fossil records we “suddenly” changed – about 60,000 years ago we had filled Africa and began moving beyond Africa – we also began leaving behind much improved tools and weapons – and then very soon after signs of culture.

Later I came across the “Toba catastrophe theory” Which postulates that around 60,000 to 70,000 years ago human kind came near to extension. Depending on which data models you look at our population dropped to as few as 1000 to 15000 breading individuals. While many findings cannot accurately place such a minimum in a 10,000 year period – the fact that data coming forward that all overlaps in this time frame can place such an event within this time frame. We have strong evidence in both the Y chromosome and Mitochondrial DNA over lap in time frames of 60,000 to 90,000 years ago a couple of our parasites place the minimum closer to the 60,000 year date than earlier. Other east African only animals show similar minimums at a time of 60,000 to 70,000 years.

We now add in one more fact into my observations – It is now accepted that nearly all evolution of species happens at times of population stress and die back of the species. Logic tells us that when the population numbers are down – it is easier for a change in the species to over whelm the rest of the population – in times of upset of habitat that lead to population stress and die back, changed conditions will lend themselves to different adaptions having an advantage – thus leading to new and changed individuals thriving.

Bring all of these items together – we come up with what must be at least one inescapable conclusion – the human race underwent a period of evolutionary change some time between 60,000 and 70,000 years ago and that this change was a major alteration of our thought processes. It is at this point that I leave the obvious and move into speculation.

What could the change that lead to our rise to prominence as species could have been. It was the way our brains worked – this part is simple to deduce – somehow we changed but left no discernible change in our bones. That means no physical change – yet we suddenly began to thrive – that means it must have been our behavior that changed thus our thought processes changed.

Humans that looked like us have been on the Earth for somewhere between 210,000 and 250,000 years. It was not until 60,000 and 70,000 years ago that humans began to act like us. In the first 2/3+ of our existence we made no lasting art invented no new tools or weapons – we lived in only one small part of Africa, and most notable of all; as a species we nearly died out. This small group of people may have looked like us but in some key factor they were not us. Then our fortunes changed. We began to thrive and expand our range until today we are making our first forays into space. We suddenly started inventing all manner of new items, tools, weapons, musical interments and we started leaving behind art works and other indications of advancing culture. Something among the humans of that time had changed or at least for some of us it had.

Now fast forward to today – who are the inverters of the modern era – what group of people make the great changes of today, what group today are way disproportionately represented among the inventors, the great thinkers, and great artists today. It is the group called Asperger's and suspected Asperger's (note: Officially to be an Asperger's you must be diagnosed by someone specialized in the diagnosis which means many Asperger's even today are not considered Asperger's because they refuse to go through the process – and yes that means that Asperger's that died before the first clinician came into existence cannot officially be an Asperger's ever.)

Now I must diverge from the main discussion for a bit to lay some ground work.

I have seen bits and pieces of Asperger's behavior in many NT people. My wife seems to have a perfectly normal ability to communicate with NTs yet will jump if she is touched unexpectedly and complains of texture for reasons of not liking some foods and has above normal intelligence. I have had friends and acquaintances that often would show one or more Asperger's traits yet they would not rise to the level of being on the spectrum because of “normal” function in other areas. If you start to look around you I do believe that you will see such yourself. Which must lead us to ask – just where do we draw the line when deciding who is on the spectrum. Do we include my wife – who shows only a couple of traits of Asperger's or do we exclude her and those like her. Once we decide to exclude or include her – we need to draw the line somewhere – and while the consensus is that she is not Asperger's – but how far down the spectrum do we go before we decide that a person is not on the spectrum at all. This spreading out of traits of Asperger's leads to one very obvious conclusion – Asperger's and HFA are the result of several normally inherited genes spread out through the human genome. My conclusion here is base on my understanding of genetics and how it functions in living organisms.

1. Single gene inherited traits – get the gene you have the trait usually full on. The only variations here is between recessive and dominate traits coded by genes. An example of this is a gene that codes for brown eyes is dominate – thus one brown eye coded gene and one blue eye gene you have brown eyes. It is generally agreed if you inherit a particular gene you get that trait within the laws of simple inheritance known since Mendel's times.

Genes inherited
Brown ++ Brown == Brown eyes
Brown ++ Blue == Brown eyes
Blue ++ Brown == Brown eyes
Blue ++ Blue == Blue eyes
(example: dominate and recessive genes).

2. Inherited traits which are closely coded on the same gene usually but not always inherit together. This comes about because as the genes are split apart for fertilization and embryo development they mostly follow the chain of bonds – though at times (that seem random) as the DNA strands split apart they will switch and start using the opposite side of the chain. Thus the closer the coding for two traits are the less likely it is that you will inherit one and not the other.
3. From examining my family and discussions with others on the spectrum I must conclude that while some traits and co-morbid conditions are closely linked most traits of those on the spectrum must by the very nature of the wide spread of differences of the traits we display and to weight and level we display them – we who are on the spectrum are in fact inheriting a spectrum of genes spread over our genome. This is the only conclusion that can be drawn from our present understanding of genetics.
4. As for other explanations for Asperger's and HFA none match well to what we see going on among us.

Now that I have presented an abbreviated discussion on why Asperger's and HFA must genetically inherited and that it most likely be spread over a “spectrum” of our DNA lets go back to the original line of discussion.

Here is my thoughts on what happened 60,000+ years ago when Homo Sapiens nearly went extinct. What most likely happened is that during a major Toba eruption catastrophe humans (almost us) began dropping like flies – the people most likely to survive will be those that solve new problems quickest, who were willing to try new ideas even if the rest of the group did not like the ideas. Even not taking your eyes off prey or the activity you were doing while communicating would be a survival skill when all the chips were down. Thus the catastrophe selected for a different kind of human than the one that was in Africa at the beginning of the catastrophe. Thus arose a new kind of human – one that solved problems better and faster – one that would find a better way of doing something and stay with it despite social pressure – one that had no interest or need to look others in the eye while communicating. In fact the only problem in having such a catastrophe drive a near extinction evolutionary event is that it would almost surely not last long enough to drive the changes to completion in the population or even close to it. Thus you have two groups Homo Sapines Asperger's and Homo Spaines NT both surviving today.

This is a far as I have taken this Idea in this manner as of this time. I have been working on looking into genetic inheritance that may be related to this idea but I am still at an unformed general study stage of that investigation and thus this hypothesis is still very raw - but I would gladly like to hear from anyone willing to discuss this idea - not interested in hearing whinny comments about lack of completion - I know it is not complete that's why I am working on it!

Found in an old and dusty book --- Roger's Axiom: If it is worth doing it is worth over doing!

Found on -- If you are suffering from Autism - you're doing it wrong!


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12 Nov 2012, 8:13 am

What a fascinating hypothesis. Look forward to hearing more.

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DX AS & both daughters on the autistic spectrum

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12 Nov 2012, 11:45 am

jared34 wrote:
I'm sure most people here have heard the neanderthal theory of autism before. I first learned about it last year but I only focused on the mental part it. But then I recently read something about neanderthal physical characteristics and I seem to have a lot of them. I have an occipital bun, I have a receding chin, a protruding mouth, I'm short, I have small bones, I have a consistently body temperature, brow ridge, and low blood pressure and low heart rate. These are all rare traits among modern humans and supposedly common in neanderthals. Oh and not to mention I'm very autistic and I have ADD. So basically all the similarities that neanderthals have with autistics I also have, along with many physical characteristics.

So am I pretty much a different species ? A neanderthal to be specific. It would make perfect sense if I was.

I'm sorry, but this is close to the most ridiculous thing I have ever read.

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12 Nov 2012, 7:16 pm

If the neanderthal link proved valid it would explain why immune and mitochondrial disorders are often comorbid with autism:

DNA Turning Human Story Into a Tell-All (New York Times, January 30, 2012)

The downside of archaic immune material is that it may be responsible for autoimmune diseases like diabetes, arthritis and multiple sclerosis, Dr. Parham said, stressing that these are preliminary results.

I know that a few autoimmune disorders run in my family.


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19 Apr 2013, 10:58 am

Feralucce wrote:
1) You don't need a time machine. The Neanderthal Genome Project is working on sequencing the neanderthal genome from DNA recovered from fossils. DNA has been recovered from more than a dozen Neanderthal fossils, all from Europe.

2) <-- look at their physical traits here...

3) Those of us who are on the autistic spectrum are not an atavism... We share none of those traits

I've actually have each of these neanderthal traits...
I 'm not saying this because I believe the theory, but for me the physical traits are right.
Also the other brain development of autism (courchesne etc.) are suggesting brain differences


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21 Apr 2013, 9:02 am

That's all just a load of crap and you shouldn't listen to it. You are a human being not a neanderthal!


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21 Apr 2013, 11:05 am

I remember an anthropology class I took at Columbia back in the 1980s. The prof was in the out of Africa camp and the TA for my section was a strong believer in hybridization between Neanderthals and H. Sapiens. The TA also pointed out that there were distinctive morphological characteristics in certain H. Erectus populations in Asia that appear in H. Sapiens populations in the same regions. The problem making serious study of these issues difficult was the history of worthless speculation by racists looking for pseudoscientific cover for their hateful ideology.

That problem is still huge.

That said, I found the TA's arguments persuasive and was interested to read about the 2010 DNA studies proving his hypothesis.

What I remember very clearly from the time when I first heard that theory was a fleeting, groundless and powerful fear: I worried suddenly that I might not be truly human--that I might be a Neanderthal.

This reason for this fear was that strong sense through my entire life that I was not like other people-- normal people. And I knew, because they made sure I knew, that they did not see me as being like them either. I was doing better at hiding among them than I ever had in elementary school, but the feeling of being other was as strong as ever. Here, for a moment, was an explanation.

The whole thing reminds me a bit of my feeling when I first became aware of this place. The name "wrong planet" made immediate senese to me and communicated the idea that there were others who felt just aas alienated as me.

I suspect that some of the persistent appeal of this "Neanderthal hypothesis" is the same: I have no evidence for this, and I apologize if you are an adherent of the Neanderthal origins of autism idea and find my psychological explanation for your belief offensive. It's just a hunch.


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21 Apr 2013, 3:53 pm

You don't have to time travel.

National Geographic DNA 2.0 has a test which will tell you what percentage Neanderthal you might be.

Most people with European ancestry will test as having some percentage of Neanderthal. People with 100 percent African DNA won't, because Neanderthals came along after people left Africa.

I doubt anyone alive today has more than two or three percent. Neanderthals are extinct. Some people think they were artistic, not very social, and not as brutal as the ones that thrived.


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21 Apr 2013, 4:09 pm

JRR wrote:

For heaven's sake, LISTEN to the person who has genetics and evolutionary psychology as their special interests, not just your 'gut instinct' on this. You know how you know your own special interests so damn well. Know that I know mine. Respect it.

That would be easier if you hadn't apparently missed all the hoopla about Neanderthal dna in European & Asian people...


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21 Apr 2013, 7:56 pm

I love that theory.

jared34 wrote:
So am I pretty much a different species?
No, you are not. It’s just a fun theory that appeals to those of us who feel like we don’t belong here. It really, really works for me.
I wouldn’t take it as an insult at all, but as a compliment. It’s the same thing that inspired the name, “WrongPlanet.” It feels right, even if it’s irrational.

Even if it were possible, we’re talking millions of years. The gene pool would be so diluted by now that it would not be significant.


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21 Apr 2013, 8:28 pm

According to my haplotype, 23andme inform me that I am estimated to be 2.9% Neanderthal. So I am on the 84th percentile Neanderthal.

My husband I would speculate, is 2.9% modern human and the rest Neanderthal...

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22 Apr 2013, 4:55 am

There is one persistent objection to the theory which people that dislike it always use. This is the (unproved) notion that autism is present in all ethnic groups at the same prevalence. Not only has this never been proved, but the proponents of this objection then take it one step further and claim that even a single African autistic is proof against the theory. By making that statement they don't even understand the basics of the theory.

It would be nice to know how the disbelievers explain differences in species-typical behaviors, like communication and social preferences. How do they explain the linkage of the neurodiversity traits? How could a huge spectrum of genetic traits be correlated and related to 100s of different genes? Come on you experts on genetics and evolutionary psychology, as this is totally incompatible with both genetics and evolutionary theory.

In addition to that, I've proved that 23andme results have a small correlation to neurodiversity (p < 0.05). I've also shown that people of African descent only have 1/5 of the interest in doing autism-related tests, something that disbelievers also need to address. We have the same issue on discussion boards were people of African descent are rare as has been shown in various polls.