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03 May 2013, 9:06 pm

littlebee wrote:
opal wrote:
nessa238 wrote:
Marky9 wrote:
I would be cautious not to overgeneralize postings on here regarding NT's as being a representative sampling of Aspie attitudes. Perhaps this forum is one of the very few places where an Aspie can vent frustrations, so an over-abundance of negativity might be expected.

Exactly, one of the functions of WP is to allow people somewhere to vent

But as usual someone has to come on and say we're just ruining their day by expressing our dissatisfaction with all the sh** we have to put up with :roll:

This^ . I work in an environment where I am often subjected to gossip, manipulation, sly bullying etc, and suggestions that I am not doing my job because I am not a team member (read : prepared to do everyone else's job ) , but these same people have enough time to spend half the day gossipping, bitching, and timing toilet breaks? :roll:
This is the only place I get to b***h about the illogical, lazy, manipulative people who spend half their day whinging about me (and anyone else they figure is too different.)

Edited to add - some of these people b***h about anyone, and everyone, but because I am "different" I am for some reason not allowed to complain about anything or anyone, justified or not. :cry: . I don't get that dichotomy.

This is our safe place - this is where we are "allowed" to speak our truth.

Wow, this is a great message to respond to.

No one is stopping you or anyone from venting here. Do you get that?

I am sorry you are being scapegoated in the workplace and sorry about the suffering you are going through.. I had some terrible problems along those lines, too, but it is unlikely the people are doing it because they are not aspies. You have no real evidence the same thing would not happen in a workplace full of aspies.

So these "lazy, manipulative people" are this way because they are what you call nt's? That is unlikely. It is necessary to be able to fit in into the workplace and harmonize. It is the law of the jungle, Sorry about that:-).

What you do not seem to get is that nobody here is telling you or anyone not to vent about nt's. It is kind of obvious, so why do you not get it? One possibility is if you get that principle that no one is telling you not to do this, then it gives you less to vent about. What is happening, as far as I can tell, is that people are looking at that process and inquiring into it, so what is happening is the expression of ideas...and that is what I am doing...just expressing some ideas.

And please do not say aspies are nicer than other kinds of people. It is an individual matter. There would surely be much more bullying and scapegoating on this forum if it were allowed..

Yes, it's hard to understand human cruelty. What people can do to other people is really horrible, but re the workplace, at least in my own situation, and I suspect it with other people, too, people have their own story about what is happening to them and why. The way I finally began to sort it out was to begin to look at my own behavior and how it affected other people. For instance I did not know how to stand up for myself. I did not have the skill to do it, and then when I finally did stand up for myself I was over assertive. This is just one example, not to imply it was all about my behavior. There were some nasty mean people.. Sometime I will write about it in more detail.

What you do not seem to get is that I never said that they were nt's or not. I never said Aspies were nicer people than NTs. I actually said these people target anyone different - that would include other NTs. I was responding to the OP who said there was a lot of anger here, and I was giving them a reason.You need to read better.


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03 May 2013, 9:19 pm

littlebee wrote:
naturalplastic wrote:
The OP makes a good observation.
There is indeed alot of "nt-bashing" here.
Some of it is healthy, and some of it not IMHO.

In the short run "nt-bashing" is harmless, and even helpful.

It is actually harmful in the short or long run because that particular dichotomy is way off base, and the encapsulated thinking behind it is causing all kinds of suffering, not meaning for so called 'nt's' but for the aspies who are thinking in such a simplistic manner and encouraging others to do..

In terms of people venting anger on line---it could be helpful or not, but this is not what I am talking about at all but rather the naivete and ignorance behind making this particular dichotomy, but not all dichotomies.

You lost me here.
Can you be more concrete as to what you mean?

What you seem to be saying is equivalent of a white southern sheriff telling martin luther king jr. to "not make this dichotomoy between black and white races"- when obviously it was the whites who made the racial 'dichotomy' (and made blacks suffer from it) in the first place.

It was neurotypicals who bashed aspies and auties in the outside world. Bashed them for being 'aspies' today- and bushed them for being "wierdo, ret*d,neurotic, oddballs", for the centuries before "aspergers" existed as a term.

So youve got things a little backward if you're blaming aspies and auties for using a 'dichotomy'- and using 'labels'- arent you?


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03 May 2013, 11:32 pm

There is a problem of determining who "them" is: ... ho-is.html

And then there is the issue, at least per PDD NOS and Asperger's syndrome that personality disorders are commonly associated, whether they are diagnosed in real life or not: ... rs-co.html

And then there are other factors like Androgyny that provide a source of difference that others notice that cannot easily be hidden, recently associated with Asperger's in research: ... ender.html

And then there is the issue of accepting oneself in a world that is not fair: ... tance.html

There is substantial reason to vent and there is also substantial reason to accept.

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04 May 2013, 12:49 am

naturalplastic wrote:
We are only two percent - so we cant expect the other 98 percent of humanity to conform to us. We are the ones who have to kow-tow to them. Its not fair,but thats the way it is, and thats life.

There is no way in hell that I will EVER 'kow-tow' to the NT tyranny. Yes, I am angry, and I will NOT apologise for that, because I have every right to be after all the crap that I have had to put up with over the years from people too stupid to understand that we can't all be like the 98, or whatever percent it is, who make the idiotic, pointless and illogical social rules that everyone is expected to follow.
Being 'different' has cost me more than I can calculate. I don't have a career, friends, social life, purpose in life, or direction, and it is ALL because of this useless condition that I can't get rid of, and never wanted in the first place.
'Naturalplastic', I really do not like this attitude of 'it isn't fair, but we must accept it'. Why should we accept being treated like dirt, why should anyone accept injustice?


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04 May 2013, 12:59 am

whirlingmind wrote:
I haven't seen excessive NT bashing on here. Only some, to which I have contributed my own little nugget from time to time and validly so. WP is our place, so we can express ourselves freely, here which we can't do out there in society. I will be damned if I will apologise for that. I have a lot of reasons to dislike the way NTs behave. And I'm afraid I have low empathy so I won't be worrying about how it feels to an NT to read it either. They haven't cared about how they've treated me and in some cases have gone out of their way to hurt me. It might do some NTs good to read about what their actions and words have done to Aspies.

It was NTs who bullied me at school, including physical assaults, it was my NT family who treated me like the black sheep, it was NTs who bitched at me in jobs, it was NTs who committed workplace bullying and deceptiveness at work to make me look bad and make me go on stress leave, it was NTs who physically attacked me for no reason. It is NTs who have made just about every aspect of my life difficult, scary, stressful and any number of other negative things.

It may not get us anywhere having negative feelings about NTs but it is our right and we need catharsis too.

If you want to understand your brother, understand some of the NT attitudes he faces and will come to face in his life because that is the biggest challenge he will endure.

Yes, exactly. Why should we care if their precious feelings are hurt? Every schoolyard and workplace bully who has ever existed was, without exception, an NT. They can all die and go to hell as far as I'm concerned, I couldn't care less about those useless idiots.


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04 May 2013, 10:59 am

Lintar wrote:
naturalplastic wrote:
We are only two percent - so we cant expect the other 98 percent of humanity to conform to us. We are the ones who have to kow-tow to them. Its not fair,but thats the way it is, and thats life.

There is no way in hell that I will EVER 'kow-tow' to the NT tyranny. Yes, I am angry, and I will NOT apologise for that, because I have every right to be after all the crap that I have had to put up with over the years from people too stupid to understand that we can't all be like the 98, or whatever percent it is, who make the idiotic, pointless and illogical social rules that everyone is expected to follow.
Being 'different' has cost me more than I can calculate. I don't have a career, friends, social life, purpose in life, or direction, and it is ALL because of this useless condition that I can't get rid of, and never wanted in the first place.
'Naturalplastic', I really do not like this attitude of 'it isn't fair, but we must accept it'. Why should we accept being treated like dirt, why should anyone accept injustice?

I shouldnt have said "kow tow".

I should have said 'adapt'.

Wouldnt shouldnt accept them abusing us.
But we do have to adapt to their way of thinking to survive in the world. The opposite is not the case.


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05 May 2013, 2:36 am

hi.i just now noticed there were some more responses to my posts....sorry I missed them and am too tired to write right much the person who compared my saying the aspie===nt dichotomy is counterproductive and compared it to someone saying that when the blacks were being persecuted the black-white dichotomy was counter productive for black did not understand what I was saying...those blacks had white freedom riders in the south with them, some of whom were killed and many out and out risked their lives, and i seriously doubt those freedom riders were thought of like that....too tired to write is saddening to me to see someone narrowing the perspective like this,,,,

i am not discounting human cruelty and bullying of people who are different by saying it is not real, but the over-simplification some make will do themselves and others a disservice.....i will be back when i am not so tried and have some time and will try to better explain my position,,,,to the person who said i read wrong, i am too tired to figure it out now, but sometimes i do read wrong......littlebee


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05 May 2013, 7:50 am

Lintar wrote:
Yes, exactly. Why should we care if their precious feelings are hurt? Every schoolyard and workplace bully who has ever existed was, without exception, an NT. They can all die and go to hell as far as I'm concerned, I couldn't care less about those useless idiots.

I really should refrain from leaving messages here when I am in a really bad mood, and nothing gets me in a fouler mood than when I recall some of the nastier things that have happened to me in the past.
'NT's' are not all the same, just as the members of any other 'group' within society are not all alike, and if this comment is a bit too harsh for this forum then I will (if I can) delete it if anyone here wants me to.


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05 May 2013, 10:19 am

Lintar wrote:
Lintar wrote:
Yes, exactly. Why should we care if their precious feelings are hurt? Every schoolyard and workplace bully who has ever existed was, without exception, an NT. They can all die and go to hell as far as I'm concerned, I couldn't care less about those useless idiots.

I really should refrain from leaving messages here when I am in a really bad mood, and nothing gets me in a fouler mood than when I recall some of the nastier things that have happened to me in the past.
'NT's' are not all the same, just as the members of any other 'group' within society are not all alike, and if this comment is a bit too harsh for this forum then I will (if I can) delete it if anyone here wants me to.

I agree totally with your sentiment but these days on WP it's not PC to criticise NTs so you need to be very wary about doing it

I'd appreciate a list of topics we can safely discuss actually


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05 May 2013, 10:40 am

Lintar wrote:
Lintar wrote:
Yes, exactly. Why should we care if their precious feelings are hurt? Every schoolyard and workplace bully who has ever existed was, without exception, an NT. They can all die and go to hell as far as I'm concerned, I couldn't care less about those useless idiots.

I really should refrain from leaving messages here when I am in a really bad mood, and nothing gets me in a fouler mood than when I recall some of the nastier things that have happened to me in the past.
'NT's' are not all the same, just as the members of any other 'group' within society are not all alike, and if this comment is a bit too harsh for this forum then I will (if I can) delete it if anyone here wants me to.

I don't think you have said anything that's too harsh.

If all the people who have been bullys toward you have been NT then this is the truth, nothing more, nothing less.

Better to get your frustration out than letting it fester.

Other opinions are available.


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05 May 2013, 10:48 am

I've not read anywhere on WP that it's not PC. Of course individual members will have their own opinions on it.

If I (or we) can't express myself/ourselves here then where can I/we?

I do agree that not every single NT is bad or due criticism, of course that's true. However, the large majority of NTs, whether it be by deliberate spite, by following the pack, by protecting themselves at all cost, ignorance or by being scared to speak out, one way or another either cause or allow a lot of mistreatment, prejudice and sidelining of Aspies (and I'm sure other groups).

A case in point, is that I am always so grateful and surprised when I do come across decent and nice NTs because it's so very rare. Lately, even the ones I thought were nice initially have let me down. This is not unusual either.

So ultimately, although I normally don't agree with sweeping statements, the problem is so pervasive and ominpotent in society (which is run by NTs too) that I don't believe it's unfair or un-PC to criticise NTs as a group in a place that is our space.

And after all, it's not as if NTs don't make sweeping generalisations about Aspies and auties constantly. Like I said before, it would do them good to read the effect they have on us.

*Truth fears no trial*

DX AS & both daughters on the autistic spectrum


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05 May 2013, 11:33 am

nessa238 wrote:
Lintar wrote:
Lintar wrote:
Yes, exactly. Why should we care if their precious feelings are hurt? Every schoolyard and workplace bully who has ever existed was, without exception, an NT. They can all die and go to hell as far as I'm concerned, I couldn't care less about those useless idiots.

I really should refrain from leaving messages here when I am in a really bad mood, and nothing gets me in a fouler mood than when I recall some of the nastier things that have happened to me in the past.
'NT's' are not all the same, just as the members of any other 'group' within society are not all alike, and if this comment is a bit too harsh for this forum then I will (if I can) delete it if anyone here wants me to.

I agree totally with your sentiment but these days on WP it's not PC to criticise NTs so you need to be very wary about doing it

I'd appreciate a list of topics we can safely discuss actually

Let me make sure I am hearing this right. You do not feel safe because of what has been written on this thread, and you want someone to provide a list of topics that will make you feel safe??? Is this the same Nessa I admire so much who does not like diagnostic labeling?

As far as it not being PC to criticize NT's, I have been here only a few weeks and it looks to me like it is very accepted behavior here, even the norm, a big part of the aspie culture lingo, and a few people are questioning it, inquiring into the thinking behind it. I would like to count myself as one of those people..

Personally I think you like this subject and want to keep it going which is why you wrote this as it is bound to fuel a response, but I do intuit that whatever tape you may be on at the moment, you do not want people to stop thinking entirely just because their thoughts are not in accord with your own.

To those who are bashing so called NT's (and I say so called because there is no way to tell what kind of a brain a socially adjusted person has as he will just seem to blend in under various circumstances....and there is no way to tell if he was socially adjusted as a child or became that way as he developed through great effort and struggle). When you read about someone risking his or her life to pull a stranger out of a burning car, that kind of thing I read about and cry, those people who do that are probably what those here would call NT's.. As I wrote in my previous message those freedom riders in the US who risked their lives (and it makes me cry when I see the videos) were probably all NT's---those hard core social democrats were probably not aspies, as you kind of have to bite the bullet to fit in there, so those who are writing here, get a grip..Plus all of the movements to combat bullying in schools are mainly NT driven...just watched a documentary last week on public television about it which showed three different schools and all those teacher and program administrators looked NT to me.

If you want to help aspies, if you want to help yourselves, if you want to help the world then it is necessary to look at the way ones own brain organizes material. I am looking at that in myself and in my life and sometimes it is not pleasant to do that, but everything cannot be handed to oneself on a silver platter.

And to the person, Lintar, who wrote all the stuff in this quote that Nessa responded to, deleting the words would not change your thinking, would it, so I do not see the point. Wouldn't that just be doing what you seem to accusing NT's of doing?--in this case a form of bullying of yourself. It all can get kind of confusing I realize, not just for you but for all of us. That is how thinking can work and generally does, but is there another way to think that sorts things out a little better?


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05 May 2013, 11:53 am

whirlingmind wrote:
I've not read anywhere on WP that it's not PC. Of course individual members will have their own opinions on it.

If I (or we) can't express myself/ourselves here then where can I/we?

I do agree that not every single NT is bad or due criticism, of course that's true. However, the large majority of NTs, whether it be by deliberate spite, by following the pack, by protecting themselves at all cost, ignorance or by being scared to speak out, one way or another either cause or allow a lot of mistreatment, prejudice and sidelining of Aspies (and I'm sure other groups).

A case in point, is that I am always so grateful and surprised when I do come across decent and nice NTs because it's so very rare. Lately, even the ones I thought were nice initially have let me down. This is not unusual either.

So ultimately, although I normally don't agree with sweeping statements, the problem is so pervasive and ominpotent in society (which is run by NTs too) that I don't believe it's unfair or un-PC to criticise NTs as a group in a place that is our space.

And after all, it's not as if NTs don't make sweeping generalisations about Aspies and auties constantly. Like I said before, it would do them good to read the effect they have on us.

I am glad you are trying to sort things out, but you seem to be saying that if it were an aspie society there would not be such bullying. I see no evidence of this at all.

Re making sweeping generalizations, come on:-) it is not about one group doing it so then it makes sense for another group to do it, me this way of thinking is very limiting....and as far as feeling different from other people, I have felt myself to be very different...maybe people on this thread have not read it, but i wrote that before i found out i was an aspie I made a message on a phone system one dark night saying I was a freak of nature, but the moderator didn't post it. I always wondered why.

Anyway, if a person wants to be happy, I am not saying not to fight injustice, but I am saying to look for commonalities. Try to find points of interest and attention that connect the altruistic motivation in oneself to the altruistic motivation in others.

To those who have been bullied, do you really want to be like the bullies? Is that really the solution?


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05 May 2013, 11:53 am

littlebee wrote:
nessa238 wrote:
Lintar wrote:
Lintar wrote:
Yes, exactly. Why should we care if their precious feelings are hurt? Every schoolyard and workplace bully who has ever existed was, without exception, an NT. They can all die and go to hell as far as I'm concerned, I couldn't care less about those useless idiots.

I really should refrain from leaving messages here when I am in a really bad mood, and nothing gets me in a fouler mood than when I recall some of the nastier things that have happened to me in the past.
'NT's' are not all the same, just as the members of any other 'group' within society are not all alike, and if this comment is a bit too harsh for this forum then I will (if I can) delete it if anyone here wants me to.

I agree totally with your sentiment but these days on WP it's not PC to criticise NTs so you need to be very wary about doing it

I'd appreciate a list of topics we can safely discuss actually

Let me make sure I am hearing this right. You do not feel safe because of what has been written on this thread, and you want someone to provide a list of topics that will make you feel safe??? Is this the same Nessa I admire so much who does not like diagnostic labeling?

As far as it not being PC to criticize NT's, I have been here only a few weeks and it looks to me like it is very accepted behavior here, even the norm, a big part of the aspie culture lingo, and a few people are questioning it, inquiring into the thinking behind it. I would like to count myself as one of those people..

Personally I think you like this subject and want to keep it going which is why you wrote this as it is bound to fuel a response, but I do intuit that whatever tape you may be on at the moment, you do not want people to stop thinking entirely just because their thoughts are not in accord with your own.

To those who are bashing so called NT's (and I say so called because there is no way to tell what kind of a brain a socially adjusted person has as he will just seem to blend in under various circumstances....and there is no way to tell if he was socially adjusted as a child or became that way as he developed through great effort and struggle). When you read about someone risking his or her life to pull a stranger out of a burning car, that kind of thing I read about and cry, those people who do that are probably what those here would call NT's.. As I wrote in my previous message those freedom riders in the US who risked their lives (and it makes me cry when I see the videos) were probably all NT's---those hard core social democrats were probably not aspies, as you kind of have to bite the bullet to fit in there, so those who are writing here, get a grip..Plus all of the movements to combat bullying in schools are mainly NT driven...just watched a documentary last week on public television about it which showed three different schools and all those teacher and program administrators looked NT to me.

If you want to help aspies, if you want to help yourselves, if you want to help the world then it is necessary to look at the way ones own brain organizes material. I am looking at that in myself and in my life and sometimes it is not pleasant to do that, but everything cannot be handed to oneself on a silver platter.

And to the person, Lintar, who wrote all the stuff in this quote that Nessa responded to, deleting the words would not change your thinking, would it, so I do not see the point. Wouldn't that just be doing what you seem to accusing NT's of doing?--in this case a form of bullying of yourself. It all can get kind of confusing I realize, not just for you but for all of us. That is how thinking can work and generally does, but is there another way to think that sorts things out a little better?

I enjoy making people back-peddle in what they say when they seem to be acting like they are giving some kind of Ten Commandments re how people with Aspergers should think about NTs

There's no 'should' about it - just varying opinion

There categorically should not be a party line on NTs and I have seen some people try to enforce one and I dislike it


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05 May 2013, 11:55 am

nessa238 wrote:
As far as I'm concerned it's people who disrespect me that I have a problem with, whatever their neurology. People who are respectful and pleasant towards me are fine.

People deal with their problems in different ways and anger has kept me alive.

Seeing as I'd rather be alive than dead, I'll stick with the anger thanks very much.

Nothing much got changed throughout history without people getting angry and passionate
about wanting things to be different; better

Do you think people didn't get angry about slavery? women not having the vote?

Anger is an emotion that everyone experiences. It is how you express it and deal with it that really distinguishes you from other people. I think that is what the OP is getting at. It is fine to get angry and use that emotion to motivate you to change the things around you. However, it doesn't really make any sense to me to express your anger in a disrespectful way to people who are disrespecting you. That doesn't change anything, it only perpetuates a cycle...

Last edited by Burns on 05 May 2013, 11:59 am, edited 1 time in total.


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05 May 2013, 11:58 am

merkurialgirl wrote:
I came to this forum looking for ways to help my brother, who I am almost certain is an Aspie. He's such a neat guy, but he's been unable to figure out life as an adult, and I so very much want to understand him better and know how to help him work things out.

I am stunned by the amount of anger toward "NT'S" I see here on the forums and in the comment replies to the articles. So far, I have seen NT's called lemmings, sheep, irrational, stupid, illogical, deceitful, and unprincipled--not because of any moral choices, but simply because they are neurotypical and behave in accordance to a neurotypically defined world.

I'm bipolar with ADHD, so I can't claim to be especially comfortable in the NT world myself, though I know my experience is vastly different from that of those with autism spectrum disorders. However, the amount of vitriol I see here makes me sad. I wonder if this is how my brother sees me. I'm even more illogical and irrational than most NT's because my neuro-abnormality is a mood disorder.

Am I--or anyone else, NT or otherwise--unworthy of respect because our brains operate according to how we were born?

Some rail against how they have to conform to NT's rather than vice versa, and try to comfort themselves by saying that they're better than NTs--smarter, more logical and efficient, etc, etc--and then expect acceptance and generosity in return for that disdain and condescension.

How irrational.

Think about it from our standpoint, if you will... I am Aspie, a successful film director, a writer and an internationally published photographer...

When I attended an Autism Awareness event in April... These are some of the things that were said to me.

You're just using Asperger's/autistism as an excuse to be rude.

I saw of The Big Bang Theory/Rain man/Sherlock/Bones/this episode of House/Adam/ Parenthood... So I know ALL about autism!

Wait, are you ACTUALLY Autistic, or do you just have Asperger's?

Is your parent/guardian/care taker here?

You seem so... Normal!

What do you mean you don't want a hug?

Quiet hands!

You're autistic? But I like you/there's nothing wrong with you/I never would have guessed/give me a hug. It's going to be okay/I'm so sorry/that is so sad.

You must be very high functioning.

So, what's it like being ret*d?

I like Autistic people almost as much as I like real people.

Just get over it.

These things are hurtful and disrespectful... And NTs say them without thinking all the time. When we have to face a Doctor, that doctor is NT and will LITERALLY tell us that we can't possible mean what we say, can't possibly feel how we feel, that we cannot perceive the world as we do...

There are many reasons, but most boil down to being disrespected and often reduced, socially, to little more than children.

Yeah. I'm done. Don't bother messaging and expecting a response - i've left WP permanently.